Sunday Misery

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The sun streaming into my window wakes me up and feeling groggy still, I rub my eyes and stretch sitting up in bed. I pick my phone up off the bedside table and check the time, 7am.
I dislodge myself from the blankets and get out of bed, pick out my clothes and go to take a shower. I get showered, dressed, make my bed and head to the kitchen.
I start up the coffee maker, then grab a yogurt not wanting to make the same mistake as yesterday. Today I need to focus.
I sit at the counter and when I'm finished eating my yogurt, I wash the spoon and throw my garbage away cleaning up any mess. The coffee is ready when I finish, so I grab my to-go cup, fill it up, then grab the rest of my stuff including the addresses and locking the door, I head out.
Though I even know I won't actually go up to a door doesn't mean I can't just go by and check it out right?

I get in the car, shut the door and enter the first address into the GPS. I take a deep breath and letting it out I start the car up and head in the right direction.
I pull up to a shady looking building that I believe used to be an old warehouse. Now it just looks abandoned. Great. I double check the address and it's correct.
Brittany, what in the world have you gotten yourself into lately? Sighing I pull away, I park a few blocks away and enter the other address. When my wonderful GPS tells me my destination is on my right I have to do a double and triple check on the address. Yeah I'm at the correct place. What the heck has Brittany gotten into at the old run down hospital? Oh Brittany. I pull away starting to feel weirded out. When I find my sister I'm going to sit her down and have a very long conversation with her and together we are going to put her life back together. Because I feel it in the pit of my stomach, there is something seriously wrong, besides the obvious.

I find the closes burger joint because right now I just need the comfort of greasy food.
I arrive home feeling just a bit more disappointed. I put my stuff away for now and sit down with my greasy goodness.
When I finish eating, I throw away my trash. I straighten everything out and clean the already clean apartment. When I get to Brittany's room, I tentatively open the door.
I go through her stuff again looking for anything that could be helpful but I find nothing. I put stuff away in her room and straighten it up. When I finish, I check the time and deciding I've waited long enough, I grab my photo, Brittany's notebook, the report from yesterday, my phone and keys and head out again.
I swear when Brittany gets home we are both staying in for a month. I lock the door and head to my car, this time Mr. Detective man is going to listen.
With pure determination I head to the police department. They have to listen this time. I'm not leaving until they do. I want my sister home.
I park out in front of the department, grab my stuff and head in.
"Hello, I'm Grace Mills and I need to speak with Detective Jason Marshall," I say.
The lady looks up, "I'll see if he's available, have a seat." She says in a bored voice.
I do as I'm told really hoping that I don't go through the same crap as I did yesterday.
This time it's only a ten a ten minute wait.
"Follow me," is all he says though. We go into the same room and I sit in the same chair. "Here's the report and a picture and a notebook with names, numbers and addresses" I say handing them over to him.
He nods. "Okay, well I'll open a case but I'm not making any promises," he says.
"What? Are you even going to look into this" I ask full of panic.
"Ma'am I'll question people, but have you thought that this is just her way of breaking away from you?" He asks and I finally lose my temper.
"What the hell? She's my sister and I admit she's a party girl but dammit, she wouldn't do this. Find her!" I shout walking out.

I get to my car and slam the door shut. Taking a deep breath I pull away, angry and defeated. What the hell is going on? What good is the police department if they aren't even going to listen? I really want them to do something but I'm not that hopeful though.

When I arrived back to the apartment, I throw everything down and plop down on to the couch. I grab the remote and turn on the news channel just to see if Brittany appears as a missing person, though I wasn't very hopeful.
I rub my temples while trying to figure out what to do next. I know what my mind is telling me to do, but I just can't.
My mind goes round and round. Just do it Grace. I can't. You have to. And so on, went my thoughts.
Right before the news comes on, I fix up some dinner for myself and then anxiously wait. Finally at the end was the missing persons segment. Three girls from the same area missing,all around my sister's age, with the same MO but not one mention of Brittany.
What the hell?!?! Furious, I shut of the TV and clean up my mess before heading to the shower.

When I get out of the shower and get dressed, I realize I have no choice, I need to call them. All feelings aside, I had to call them for Brittany.
Sighing I grab the phone book, find what I'm looking for and smile softly when I see that they named the business simply: ALK Investigations.

Nervously I grab my phone, shaking a bit while I dial the number.
When the answering machine picks up I squeak and hang up. Come on Grace, man up! You can do this, think of Brittany.
I dial again and listen to their brief message. This time, when the beep goes off I leave my message.
"Hello, this is Grace, um Grace Mills. My sister has gone missing and I need to find her. If you could please call me back? Please." I add my number and hang up.
Hopefully they'll still help me. Again I'm stuck with just sitting around and waiting.

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