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I wake up feeling groggy and unrested. I rub at my eyes trying to wake up a bit and stretch then sit up against the headboard. I grab my phone to check the time. You've got to be kidding me? It's only five in the morning. Just fantastic. I'm sure I'll have to wait at least until eight, which means I have three hours to dally. That's if they even call me back.
With a groan, I slide out of bed, quickly make it before grabbing my stuff and heading to the shower.
I take my time in the shower trying to waste time. I blow dry my hair and get dressed before heading into the kitchen. I fry up a few slices of bacon, make a couple eggs scrambled with cheese and a couple slices of toast, pour a glass of orange juice, then sit on the couch to watch the morning news.
I finish eating and drown the last of my orange juice before turning off the T.V. disappointed that they still haven't mentioned Brittany's disappearance.
What did I expect though? With a heavy sigh I heave myself off the couch and clean up my breakfast mess.

Once the kitchen is cleaned, I gather all the laundry and start a load.
When there's nothing more to do, I check the time, it's only seven in the morning. Great, I still have at least an hour to wait around.
Unable to sit still, I slip on a pair of shoes, grab my keys and phone and locking the door behind me, I head down the stairs. Sure there's an elevator, but why not waste the time and use the stairs.

I walk up to the coffee shop a few blocks down and order a grasshopper cappuccino, with a double shot espresso. I'm probably going to need it.
Slowly sipping at my caffeinated drink, I make my way back to the apartment. I unlock the door and set my keys in the dish. I sit on the couch looking at my phone and see I've only wasted twenty minutes.
I send a quick text to my supervisor letting her know nothing has changed. She quickly replies back her reply and letting me know she's there if I need her.
I just can't sit still. I start pacing back and forth feeling uneasy. I just want my sister back.
I'm not naive enough to believe that will happen. I know the longer she's gone, the less of a chance of her return, but I can't lose Brittany, she's the only family I have left.

My phone rings and I about jump out of my skin, pausing mid step. I stare at my phone and feel like I don't know what to do. I finally snap out of my daze and scramble for my phone and I'm all thumbs dropping it twice before I get a handle on it and answer.
"Hello," I say.
"Grace? It's Aiden." He says and I drop my phone. Crap. I can't let my emotions get the best of me, not now. I pick my phone back up.
"Yes?" I say, my voice coming out as a squeak.


I tie my shoes before heading out the door. I absolutely hate Monday's, it's when we get the worst cases. A lot of calls regarding, my wife/husband went out Friday night and came home an hour later than they said they would. I swear they're cheating, it's the only thing that makes sense, blah, blah, blah. On the other hand they are also the easiest.
I get lost in my thoughts and I run further than normal, checking my watch, I see I need to hurry back.
I make my way back quickly and take a shower. I pour coffee in my to-go cup and wait for Logan and Kyle. Growing impatient, I holler out, "Let's go!"
"I'm here, I'm here!" Logan exclaims coming into the kitchen and grabbing his own to go cup.
"Kyle!" I holler out again.
"Oh for fuck sakes, it's Monday and we own the business. What's the rush?" Kyle grumbles from behind me.
Once everyone has a to-go cup full of coffee we head out the door.

Pulling into our lot, I look at the time. "Five after eight. We're late." I say.
"You do realize we own the company, right?" Logan says with his signature smile.
"We still need to be professional." I state opening the door.
"Oh don't get your panties in a wad." Kyle mumbles, also getting out.
I unlock the door and we head to our respective offices. Let this Monday begin.

I unlock the door to my office and go in. I see the light indicating I have a voice message. Always do on a Monday. I push one to listen to my messages, then I drop the phone and rush over to Aiden's office.
"Hey, got a sec? I've got something you need to listen to." I say and not waiting for a reply, I head back to my office. This can't be happening.
Aiden enters my office and I indicate he should shut the door. When I hear the door click I push speaker and replay the message.
"Well?" I say to a stunned looking Aiden.
"We have to help her." He says quietly. I nod in agreement. "I'll give her a call. You tell Logan whatever you want but this is for all three of us." He says turning towards the door. "Wait on my call before you say anything to Logan." He adds, walking out and leaving the door open.
I sit heavily at my desk and wait on Aiden. Grace broke us the first time. What will happen when this is over?

I have just finished taking a few notes when Kyle pokes his head in.
"Be ready to head out by 4:20pm, we have a case to take. Twenty two year old missing female. We're meeting up with the sister at her apartment." He says, rushing away before I get a chance to reply. Well okay then.
My day passes quickly and promptly at 4:20pm we are out the door. Aiden and Logan look nervous on the ride over, Aiden has a tight grip and he's twisting his hands around the steering wheel while Kyle's knees are bouncing.
We pull up to an apartment complex and get out of the truck. No one has said a word.
"Okay, what gives?" I ask.
"Nothing," they both answer. I'm getting a bad feeling. We head to the third floor and walk down the hallway stoping at the end of it. Aiden takes a deep breath and knocks. The person who answers the door leaves me feeling breathless.
I look at Aiden and Kyle they're staring at her, almost in awe but don't look surprised. I look back. "Gracie." I breathe out. Then I turn and stride away, down the hallway. They knew and they lied to me. Seeing her was too much. A simple heads-up would have been nice, I think as I run down the stairs.
When I set foot outside, I take off turning left, there's a bar around the corner. I no sooner get seated, when some girl starts talking up a storm and orders me a drink.
"It's not even five on a Monday and I'm in a bar, do you really think I want company?" I snap. She doesn't say anything and leaves. I slam down the shot that the bimbo ordered and try to think. I know Aiden and Kyle would have not said something for a reason, but it's Grace. Really. Then it hits me. I'm such an asshole, her sisters missing and I just ran off. Damn it, I've got an apology to make. I put some money on the counter and head to do what's right.
I just hope that this time doesn't tear me apart.

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