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It's been a week since the rescue and today Logan finally gets to come home. The sooner we can get him home the better because he was ready to leave the day after Brittany did and was furious that he had to stay.

Around day three he started cussing at practically everyone who came in the room. The only one he hasn't cussed at is me. Of course that could be because I threatened to not come back with the treats I'd been smuggling in for him if he even thought about talking to me like that.

With Logan finally going home I decide that it is time for me to talk to my supervisor about returning to work. It has been three weeks since I have actually worked and it was time for me to return.

I had enjoyed my time with Brittany. Helping her heal and take the first steps of recovering has drawn us closer together. She was actually on her way to a resort that Tucker, Christopher and Mason had paid for and surprised us with. They told me it was to help her get back up on her feet. I was nervous about her leaving so soon, but they assured me they were going to be there as well and she would be safe. She would only be gone for a week. Seeing how excited she was I kept my objections to myself.

I knock on my supervisor's door and wait for her to call out 'enter' before I open the door.

"Grace it's lovely to see you, how is your sister?" Christina says with a smile, she nods her head towards the chair and I take a seat.

"Brittany is well and is on her way to a resort to continue healing." I tell her before getting straight to the reason I was here. "Christina, I came to see you to talk about me returning to work." I state.

She smiles widely before reaching out across the desk and taking my hand. "I'm glad to hear that you feel like you are ready to come back to us. I've been expecting you to come talk to me and I've already thought this through. This situation has had to taken it's toll on you and I've come to the conclusion that I don't want you back until the first of month. I need you back one hundred percent and completely here," she gently states.

I'm speechless, I'm not sure how to take this news. Is she trying to fire me? I gently pull my hand back from hers and start twisting them together in my lap. What am I going to do? I love this job, I think forlornly.

"Grace, I'm not firing you," Christina firmly states. "What I mean is that it's been a rough couple of weeks and you need time to regroup and relax, then you can come back. I need my best nurse at her best. Also, that's when I have the opening in labor and delivery," she finishes with a huge grin.

Hearing that I wasn't fired and was getting the new position I had completely forgotten I applied for with everything going on makes my day. Without thinking I jump up and down in excitement. I hear a chuckle and automatically sit back down, blushing at my exuberant response.

"I thought you would like that news. Now. Go on, go celebrate, rest and come back to help with the babies," she shoos at me with a grin on her face and I get up thrilled for the new position.

I walk quickly with a skip in my step, out to the car and singly loudly and joyfully to the radio I drive to the hospital, I can't wait to get there to tell them my news in person.

Making my way to Logan's room, I exchange quick greetings with the nurses that I've gotten to know this past week. I knock on Logan's door and rush in too excited to wait. The three guys, look at me when I enter, seeing me vibrate with joy there looks of concern quickly turn to ones of amusement.

"What's got you so excited cupcake?" Logan asks.

"When I come back to work at the first of the month I will be moved to labor and delivery," I say excitedly with a squeal in my voice. I start jumping up and down unable to hold in my joy at this dreamed for position. The boys watch on for a minute or two, then Kyle walks over and pulls me into a huge hug, swinging me around.

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