Property Damage

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I lay in bed listening to the sound of the guys moving around my apartment. It's a nice feeling to wake up to, plus I can smell something delicious cooking. Don't get used to it. They're only here to help you find Brittany, once she's found they'll be gone, I remind myself.
I'm saddened by that fact but I know that's the way it needs to be.
I decide it's time to get up. I quickly make my bed and head to the shower.

"Good morning." Kyle cheerfully says as he hands me over my coffee cup.
"Come on cupcake." Logan says grabbing my hand.
"Here sweetie, I think I got it just right." Aiden says, handing me a plate with what I'm assuming is an all veggie omelette.
"Good morning, and thank you." I reply digging into my omelette.
"No problem cupcake." Logan says with a grin.
"What exactly did YOU do?" Kyle asks sending a wink my way.
"It's not a problem sweetie, eat up." Aiden says.
"I made coffee." Logan defends. "I'm not allowed to do anything else. Remember." He adds. "Yeah, well I would like to leave Grace's apartment still standing." Kyle says digging into his own food. Logan huffs but doesn't say anything else as he digs in. I want to ask what that's all about, but refrain it's not my business anymore.
"All finished sweetie?" Aiden asks, holding his hand near my plate.
"Yeah, but..." I start, but get cut off.
"That's all I needed." Aiden says, picking up my plate.
"Alright little lady, out you go" Logan says.
"Shouldn't I clean...?" Once again I'm interrupted.
"Come with me beautiful." Kyle says, ushering me out to the front. Guess they're just going to take over my whole life while there here.
I sit on the couch and Kyle sits next to me, our knees touching.
"How are you really?" He asks solemnly. I let out a heavy sigh.
"Honestly, I don't know. Upset, frustrated, defeated." I say.
"All understandable." He says. I look up at him, his eyes are fixed on me and I quickly lower my head looking down.
"Hey. We're going to get her back. I promise, even if it's the last thing we do." He says softly and I can still feel his eyes on me.
I feel his hand on my shoulder causing me to look up.
"Okay." He says. I nod not sure what else to say or do. Suddenly he pulls me to him, hugging me.
"Thank you." I say. He lets go.
"Anytime you need anything just let one of us know." He says.
"Kyle you ready?" Aiden asks coming into the living room.
"Yeah" he says getting up. Aiden surprises me and comes over and holds his hand out,helping me up. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me.
"Behave," he whispers.
"Do I ever not behave?" I ask.
"I can think of a couple of times." Aiden smiles letting me go. Kyle hugs me again.
"See you in a few hours." He says then releases me and they make their way out of the door. "Well, it looks like I'm the lucky one." Logan says, taking his place next to me with his laptop in hands.
"Huh." Is my intelligent reply. As I take a look at him, he doesn't say anything but sends me a grin and a wink, opening his laptop. I hop up to grab my kindle and phone, and settling back down on the couch, I send a quick text to my supervisor.
"Who you talking to cupcake?" Logan questions.
"Well, uh, my supervisor?" It comes out as a question.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Mumbles Logan. Before I can reply, he pops in a set of headphones into his ears. Well okay then.

"Cup-cake!" Logan sing songs. When I look up, he smiles. "Look who decided to join the real world again" he says. I blush.
"You ready for lunch?" He asks.
"Yes" I reply standing up. I put my kindle in my room and slip on a pair of shoes. Logan holds up my keys and phone.
"Ready cupcake?" He asks.
"Yep, let's go." I say, making sure the door is locked behind us. Again he leads me to the truck and helps me up before jogging to other side. He gets in and shuts the door as his phone starts ringing.
"ALK investigations, you got Logan." "Uh-huh." He replies, then pauses. "I'm sorry sir,we're not taking any new cases right now." He says. "Well I'm sorry sir. Please understand that we're on a case and not accepting any new cases at the moment." He replies to the guy on the phone. I start to feel guilty. They're not taking any more cases because of me.
Logan hangs up and I start to speak. "I'm sorry..." But Logan cuts me off.
"No cupcake, don't apologise, it's not your fault. This is more important than chasing someone who may or may not even be cheating." He says.
"But..." I start again.
"No. Cupcake there is nowhere else any of us would rather be." He says pulling out.
"Okay." I say, not really sure.

Logan and I arrive back at the apartment after a wonderful lunch with all three of them. Logan parks, hops out and comes around and helps me out. When we get up to the third floor I see immediately that my door is open.
"Stay here." Logan says stopping me. I watch as he jogs down the hall.
"Be careful!" I shout. I stand in the same spot waiting what seems like forever, before Logan pokes his head out.
"Cupcake prepare yourself." He says pulling out his phone. I walk up to my door and tears form. Everything is destroyed. Logan takes one look at me and pulls me to him, wrapping me up in his arms. "Shh. It's okay, please don't cry."


I hate this. There's nothing left untouched. I'm trying to calm Grace but it is not working.
I can only imagine what she is going through though, first her sister goes missing and then her apartment is broken into. Though I'm certain they are related considering the note that was left on the coffee table, the only piece of furniture not turned over.
I hold Grace in my arms rubbing my hands up and down her back.

I slam on my brakes, turn around and avoiding all speed limits, I head towards Graces apartment.
"What the fuck man?!" Kyle exclaims.
"Someone broke into Grace's apartment." I grit out.
"Shit." he mumbles out. Yeah, shit. Right now though I just want to get to my girl.

Fuck this is worse than I could ever imagine. Everything is turned up, but the coffee table.
I look at Logan and start to say something but Logan just shakes his head.
"Grace sweetie, why don't you go pack a bag? We're going to a hotel tonight." Aiden says. Logan waits a beat.
"Okay listen, on the coffee table was a note. It read, 'I'm coming for you and I'll have two.'That's all." He says.
"Damn it." Aiden says.
"Okay well Kyle, you head to a hotel with Grace and get settled. Once settled text me where and what room. Logan and I are going to dust the apartment for finger prints." He finishes.
I go to reply but Grace comes back with a bag.
"Ready?" I ask softly. "Alright, beautiful let's go." I say, taking her bag.

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