Just a thought

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I pace back and forth in front of the beds in the hotel room.
"Whoa. You're going to wear a hole in the carpet." Kyle says catching me around the waist. "Someone was in my home Kyle." I say, tears threatening to fall. Kyle turns me and wraps both arms around me.
"Shh. It's okay. I'm, we're not going to let anything happen to you." Kyle soothes. I take a breath trying to calm myself.
"Maybe letting them take me could help." I whisper into his shoulder.
"No, absolutely not!" He shouts. "If you get taken, then we have two missing girls and I can't handle that." He says softer than before.
"But wouldn't you be able to track them?" I ask.
"Grace no. I'm sorry, but we can't risk it." Kyle says in my ear and I let out a shiver.

Kyle and I decide on a movie while waiting for the others but I have a feeling though that this is his way of distracting me. He orders the movie as I get comfortable on the bed. He crawls in next to me pressing into my side. I fight with myself until half way through, thenend up laying my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and I settle in completely comfortable.
When the movie is over Kyle excuses himself and steps out to take a phone call and I decide to take a shower. I step out of the bathroom and taking a look around I see no sign of Kyle.
I grab my phone and send a quick text to my supervisor letting her know about my apartment. She replies back with an apology and her sympathy. I put my phone away and decide to peek out.
"Hey cupcake!" Logan excitedly says. Aiden and Kyle turn. Looking at me, both give me a smile.
"Hey sweetie, we'll be in there in a few." Aiden says.
"Okay." I smile at them and then shut the door, letting them have their privacy. I pile the towels, then retrieving the sack that I had grabbed, put my dirty laundry in it.
Then I grab my shampoo, body wash, brush and deodorant and put those in my bag before putting everything against the wall.
I sit on the bed leaning against the headboard and wait for the guys to return.
"Hey sweetie!" Aiden says brightly.
"Cupcake!" Logan exclaims.
"Hey beautiful! Looks like you took a shower." Kyle says with a smile.
"Hey. Yeah I figured I would get mine out of the way. Did you find anything at my apartment?" I question. They start fidgeting.
"Grace sweetie, I'm sorry but no we didn't." Aiden replies.
"Okay." I mumble out. I feel defeated. "Maybe I should let them take..." I start.
"No!" Aiden half yells half growls.
"Cupcake we can't let that happen." Logan calmly states.
"I already told you that wasn't happening. Did you really think they would say any different?" Kyle raises an eyebrow at me. I shrug. Maybe I could sneak away, I want to be with my sister if nothing else.
"Grace Adeline Mills. Get those thoughts out of your head." Aiden sternly says.
"But I..." I start, to get cut off.
"I know exactly what you were thinking and don't even dare try." Aiden narrows his eyes at me.
"Cupcake you have got to trust us to do our job without putting you or anyone else in danger." Logan adds. I don't say anything I just nod my head instead.
"Now, would you like this?" Logan holds out my kindle from a black bag.
"Thank you!" I excitedly exclaim and without thought, I tackle hug him causing him to plop down on the ground with a chuckle. He wraps his arms around me and I enjoy the feeling. "You're welcome." He states.
"Hey! I'm the one who pointed it out" Aiden chuckles.
"Go get him." Logan whispers. I smile at Logan then without saying a word I'm up and flinging myself at Aiden, who seems ready, catching me easily.
"I feel left out." Kyle pouts. Aiden lets me go and I once again fling myself, this time at Kyle who lifts me up in a tight hug.
I settle on the bed with my kindle, Aiden and Kyle each take a side and settle in on either side of me, both look at me and smile before opening up there laptops.
"Guess that leaves me to go for food." Logan says.
"Sure does" Kyle says, not even looking up. Logan huffs.
"What would y'all like?" Logan asks.
"Pizza." Kyle answers at the same time "Burgers." comes from Aiden.
"Cupcake, what would YOU like?" Logan asks me.
"Whatever, is fine with me." I say.


On my way out of the room I order a large pizza before heading to get burgers. When Kyle had told us that Grace wanted to get taken so we could follow her and get her sister back, I about had heart failure. Then she brought it up again and I was thankful Aiden had shouted no, sparing me a minute to calm down and talk to her calmly. I'm still not a hundred percent sure she won't try anyways. I shake my thoughts away as I pull in and park to get some burgers.

I watch Grace from the corner of my eye. I have a feeling we will need to be very watchful,she can be sneaky when she wants to be. I caught the thoughts as they played out across her face earlier, though I also noticed she didn't agree. I get back to work. Where are you Brittany?

I'm having a hard time concentrating on my work as I keep looking over at Grace. She didn't exactly agree earlier and I have a feeling she will be keeping us on our toes. I keep typing,come on give me what I want. My phone buzzes and I reach in my pocket as the same time as Aiden. What the fuck? I look at my phone to make sure I'm reading that right. Fucking Logan. He better fix this and fast.
"Are you guys alright?" Grace softly asks. Shit.
"Yeah beautiful" I smile down at her.

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