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Logan had arrived a little bit ago with food and the tension in the room could be cut with a plastic butter knife. I kept looking between the three guys confused but no one was talking. I did however catch Aiden and Kyle giving glaring looks towards Logan a couple of times which he seemed to be steadily ignoring.
No longer able to take the silence I ask, "Is everything okay?" It comes out just above a whisper but they all turn to me.
"Everything is fine cupcake." Logan tries to convince me with a smile but it doesn't reach his eyes. It goes silent again and the tension remains but I finish eating before trying again. "Okay. What's going on?" I ask sternly as possible.
"Nothing for you to worry about sweetie." Aiden says. I throw my hands up in surrender. "Well whatever it is, fix it." I say getting up and throwing my trash away.
I head to the bathroom and I hear what sounds like angry whispering. When I finish I put my ear up to the door, I can hear whispering still but it's too quiet. When I walk back into the room they go silent and look at me with smiles that don't reach their eyes but the tension doesn't seem as thick.
"Ready to go out cupcake?!" Logan questions excitedly. I look down at what I'm wearing. "Uh, no not really. Why would we go out?" I answer.
"Two reasons. One to take a closer look at the places your sister goes. Two we need to relax a bit." Aiden says.
"So we're going to all the bars?!" I ask a bit shocked.
"No, we're going to two a night." Kyle calmly states.
"But... that's three more nights of my missing sister!" I exclaim.
"Sweetie, we know. Unfortunately we're not getting very far in our investigation." Aiden says.
"Whelp. Okay. Have fun." I say. They all start shaking their heads in the negative.
"Nope we're not leaving you." Kyle says.
"Better change cupcake." Logan says, face splitting into a smile.
"Fine. Out." I huff after a moment. Only for Brittany would I do this. I wait until the door is shut before I pull out the clothes I packed, glad I packed more than one outfit. I get dressed and pull my hair out of my face before making an appearance.
"Looks good cupcake." Logan winks at me. I shrug, looking down its nothing special just jeans and t-shirt.
"You look good in anything." Aiden says, his words causing me to blush slightly.
"Thank you. If it helps save time and energy, she said she was going to the new club in town that night." I say.
"We know sweetie. Unfortunately it's only open Thursday through Saturday night, so we will be going tomorrow night. Tonight however we will be going to the bars that host the 'after work' boozers" Aiden replies.
We pull up in front of the first bar and I realize it's just around the corner from my apartment. "She didn't have this place in her notebook." I say, looking out the window.
"We realize this but since it was just around the corner we thought we would at least take a look." Kyle says.
"Come on cupcake!" Logan exclaims, opening my door and takes my hand.
Logan dragging me along, leads the way.

We sit in a corner booth that allows the guys to see all the way around. "What would you like beautiful?" Kyle smirks.
"Just a beer, whatever is on tap." I answer, leaving all three looking at me.
"What?" I ask cautiously.
"When did you start drinking?" Kyle asks. I shrug.
"I enjoy a glass of wine or a glass of beer once and awhile." Giving the simple answer.
"Well alright then." Kyle says walking off.

"Another one cupcake?" Logan asks.
"No I'm good." I say smiling up at him.
"You only had one." Aiden comments.
"So?" I question.
"So, nothing. Want some water?" Kyle asks.
"No thank you Kyle." I say. They have two more beers before we leave the bar. Nobody had even heard of Brittany.

I look at the bar in front of us in horror, it was the bar I had seen the guys at that night I went looking for my sister. It was only that one waitress that saw you Grace, it's not like they'regoing to know, but before I can pull myself together Logan takes a look at me.
"What's wrong cupcake?" Logan asks.
"N-n-nothing..." I stutter out.
"Wrong answer." Aiden says.
"It's nothing." I say steadier. Kyle wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"Okay." he says, guiding me in.
I'm thankful they finally let it go. I already feel exhausted it's been one long day.


I had pulled Grace into my lap when she had started yawning. It had been a long day for her so I wasn't surprised when she had fallen asleep once I wrapped my arms around her, causing her to be warm enough to sleep. She could sleep anywhere as long as she was warm enough. I kiss the top of her head, look up to find Aiden looking at her with a smile on his face.

I looked over to where Kyle had sleeping beauty Grace on his lap and smiled.
"Even in a bar..." I let trail off. Kyle smiles and nods.
"Yeah. As long as she's warm enough." He whispers, with a fond smile on his face. My smile grows and I shake my head. That girl is something else, I just hope we can find her sister or I'm afraid she'll break.
I see Logan start heading in our direction. Nodding my head towards Logan, I look at Kyle. "He better hope that he gets good news in a couple of days, or we could lose her again before we even get a chance." I finish. He just narrows his eyes and lets out a single nod.
I head towards the table and I see Aiden nod his head in my direction. I know they are talking about me. I fucked up big time because I'm a true dumb ass and acted irresponsibly. This has the potential to start a shit storm and could end very badly.
"Nothing. Nobody has even seen her in two weeks." I dryly state, walking up to the table. "Shit." Kyle and Aiden mutter together. I look at the beautiful girl sleeping in Kyle arms. Shit is right.

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