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I was starting to get anxious waiting on the other two to arrive back, I didn't want to lose my confidence and chicken out. I knew they were out trying to find my sister or at least get a lead so I tried to calm myself.
"Baby doll are you alright?" Kyle asks.
"I'm fine, why do you ask?" I question.
"Your knee is bouncing and when that stops, you start to fidget." He replies.
"I'm fine." I quickly reply. I stop my leg from bouncing and try to sit still and go back to reading. I just needed to relax and not get myself too worked up or that would have me chickening out.

"Hey baby doll, want to help me start some dinner?" Kyle asks. Looking up I smile and nod.
"Yeah." I answer. I sit up, shut down my kindle and set it aside. Taking the hand Kyle has out I stand up and follow him into the kitchen.
Kyle pulls ingredients out of the fridge as I rinse the chicken. After the chicken is in the oven we clean up the mess we had made and just as we are finishing up we hear the front door shut.
"Kyle? Grace?" Aiden shouts.
"In the kitchen." Kyle answers. Aiden comes in with Logan right behind him, both looking a bit relieved.
"Hey sweetie." Aiden comes over and wraps his arms around me hugging me. "How much longer on dinner?" Aiden asks.
"About thirty minutes or so." Kyle answers.
"Good. Come sit in the living room for a bit we have some news." Aiden says. Instead of letting me go, he just wraps his arm around my waist and leads me out of the kitchen.

Aiden leads me over to the couch and I take a seat but he opts to stand. Kyle sits next to me and Logan, who is being awfully quiet, sits in the chair in the room.
"I got a call today from Tucker James. He and his men have been following a man named James White, he's a wanted man. He's wanted for... human trafficking." Aiden cringes slightly at the end while keeping his eyes on me.
I know what he's saying and even though I want Brittany back, I hope this is leading anywhere else. I see him take a deep breath.
"The thing is they know he has a new girl and her description fits Brittany's to a T, but they haven't been able to get to close as he has more security than the president.
Now, Tucker and his men are going to try to get close enough to get a picture and when they do, they will be contacting us. They're hoping it will be no later than tomorrow morning. We will then be working together to catch James and to get Brittany back home safe." Aiden finishes and keeps his eyes locked on mine.
Tears prick at my eyes when he's done. I swallow hard to keep the tears from falling before I finally nod my head knowing I'm unable to speak.
"Baby doll we will get her back." Kyle says, pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me. It's quiet for a while as Kyle rocks the two of us back and forth. I just keep my head buried into his shoulder.

A hand touches my arm. "Sweetie, dinner is ready. Let's eat." Aiden gently says.
"Come on." Kyle says quietly patting my leg. He lets me go and I stand up and head towards the kitchen.
"We got this cupcake, go sit on down." Logan says. I don't have it in me to argue so I head into the dining room and take a seat. A few moments later the three guys joins me and Logan hands me a plate, then sits next to me.
I sit quietly through dinner just listening to the guys as they talk. When we finish, I start to clean up when Logan comes up and takes a plate from me.
"Cupcake, can we talk?" Logan ask.
"Yeah sure." I smile.
"Go sit down, I'll be there in a moment." He says. I head to the living room and take a seat on the couch, when Logan comes in he takes a seat next to me.
"Cupcake are we going to be okay?" He quietly asks. I take a deep breath before answering him. "Logan it will take time but yes, we will be okay. I had actually wanted to talk to y'all when you returned but right now is not the time. I need my sister back first." I finish and look up at him. He smiles then pulls me close.
"Grace, I'll never break another promise to you and I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself to you." He says.
I just sit there and let him hold me, snuggled into his side letting it comfort the both of us.


I was relieved that my cupcake and I were on the road to recovery even if the road was a rocky one. It had been nice just holding her, she just felt so right. Though I was curious on what she wanted to talk to the three of us about, I didn't want to push her and I think we all just needed to sit down and talk once we got Brittany home safe.
Hopefully Tucker James and his men were the key to getting Brittany back.

When I had seen Grace and Logan cuddled on the couch I had felt better about everything. Now I just need Tucker and his men to come through for us and get Brittany back.
"I don't know if Grace mentioned it to either of you but she had said she needed to talk to all three of us." Kyle whispered.
"She told me the same thing but said she wanted to wait now until Brittany was back home." Logan adds quietly.
"Do either of you know if it was good?" I ask equally as quiet. None of us wanted to wake Grace who was asleep in Kyle's room with the door open.

"She had smiled when she was talking to me." I say.
"That's always a good thing." Aiden replies. Logan doesn't add anything more as we go back to silence. I really hoped we could get Brittany back soon. I couldn't stand seeing Grace hurt like she was earlier in the evening.
"I think I'm going to head on to bed." I say standing up, I had every intention of sleeping in my own bed.
"Make sure your phone is up all the way." Aiden says, standing up himself. I nod and head to my room to crawl into bed with Grace.
I was going to enjoy having her in my bed though I had a feeling the other two would soon say something.

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