Just relax

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I stretch as I start to wake up, but I'm fully awake when I realize that movement should have hit someone in the nose. I open my eyes slowly feeling around the other side of bed and then peek over at it to see that I am indeed alone. I must say I don't like it. With a slight pout I get up, and grab my stuff for a shower.

I'm surprised at how quiet the apartment is, it is almost too quiet, I think before I shake off my blues. Wondering where the guys are I head to the shower and get ready for the day.

Once I'm dressed I head to the kitchen to make a lonely breakfast for one. Rounding the corner I'm pleasantly surprise to find Logan there smiling brightly at me.

He quickly sets the coffees that are in his hands down on the table and comes over to me. He scoops me up in his arms and plants a kiss on my lips.

Happy to see him I wrap my arms around him along with my legs and he deepens the kiss. I arch into him wanting more but with a regretful sigh he ends our kiss and pulls away.

His eyes shine brightly and are full of banked desire, as he flips me away from the handy countertop and walks toward the table I let out a groan of frustration.

"Cupcake, we need to drink this coffee quickly, then I have a surprise for you and we can't be late," he says placing a gentle kiss on my lips as he sets me on the seat. He takes his place next to me and we sip the coffee and I try to find out what he's got planned.

We finish our coffee and he helps me get my jacket on, before escorting me out the door, making sure it is shut and locked behind us.

His hand on my back burns through my jacket and I want to turn around and tell him we should spend the day in bed. How did I go so many years without caring about sex and turn into a sex fiend overnight? I wonder as he opens the passenger door for me.

"Logan, what are we doing?" I say with a pout, but he just smiles and shakes his head before shutting the door and getting in on the driver's side.

I watch out the window trying to figure out what's going on, and where we are going. I pray wherever we are going there will be food.

A short time later my prayers are answered as we pull up to a small out of the way cafe that is known for their breakfast, though I personally haven't been before.

Logan shuts off the S.U.V., jogs around to my side and helps me out. Hand in hand, we make our way up to the cafe.

We go in, and the waitress without saying a word to us takes us towards the back. I follow behind her, it is strange that she hasn't said anything to us, I wonder if she is deaf.

I'm about to whisper my thoughts to Logan and see what he things and that's when I see Aiden and Kyle. I can't help the grin that spreads on my face upon seeing them already there waiting.

"Here you go, hot stuff," the waitress says as I sit down next to Aiden and Logan slides in next to me. I glare at the waitress as she checks out my guys and then try to hide the glare from the guys, but from the curious looks on their faces I can tell the caught me.

Logan takes my hand again, and I place it on top of the table, threading our fingers together. Blatantly letting the world know we are together.

As Logan continues to hold my hand I feel Aiden's hand on my thigh caressing in a small distracting circle motion. I can't help but smile when I feel feet go around mine holding gently.

I look up at my two other guys, and Aiden gives me a return smile while Kyle winks. I've got to say I'm enjoying this surprise, not even glaring when the waitress returns.

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