Hopefully I survive

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The three of us stand at the door, all staring where Logan just took off. What the?
"I'm sorry, we should have said something to him." Kyle says looking apologetic.
"It's fine" I say quietly.
"No it's not" Aiden says glaring down the hallway.
"Oh! Come in." I say, coming to some kind of sense. They follow me in and each take a seat on the couch. I sit in the arm chair so I'm slightly facing the couch.
We sit in silence just starring at each other, my eyes going from Aiden to Kyle. How in the world did they get better looking? I can't believe this and I can honestly say none of my feelings have changed.
Aiden clears his throat. "Well should we get this started? He asks.
"Oh yes, of course," I say.
"Im sorry!" Logan exclaims as he bursts through what I thought was my locked apartment door. "I acted horribly and I'm sorry. We're here for your sister," he says quietly.
"Nice of you to pull on your big boy pants." Kyle says, narrowing his eyes at Logan. Aiden clears his throat.
"Right. You haven't missed anything of importance, so find a seat and sit down Logan so we can get through all the information." He says. Logan nods and sits down on the end of the couch.

I tell them everything, from her disappearance including what happened that evening, not leaving out anything except the small minor detail of seeing them at that bar.
I finish and I look up to see three set of eyes looking at me with concern. "So you're telling us the cops have done absolutely nothing?" Aiden asks with what sounds like disbelief in his voice.
"Not that I know of." I say just above a whisper. Maybe this was a bad idea. Why would theylisten, let alone believe me.
"Grace, we believe you," Kyle says. I look up on the verge of tears.
"You do?" I whisper, just holding on to my tears.
"Of course we do," Aiden says.
"So you'll help me?" I ask uncertain.
"Of course we will," Aiden says. I look around at the three guys I left five years ago and yet here they sit, ready to be here for me once again and willing to help.
"Thank you." I say.
"Don't thank us yet." Logan says, speaking for the first time since he burst through my door. "Can we get the notebook of Brittany's?" Aiden asks.
"I uh, it's uh at the police department still," I stumble out.
"Don't worry, I'll retrieve it." Kyle says.
"Well um, the detective I reported..." I start but Kyle cuts me off.
"Detective Jason Marshall," he grounds out.
"Well yeah," I say. Logan chuckles.
"Maybe I should retrieve the notebook," Logan says.
"Good idea. Get a hold of him and Kyle why don't you call the media, I'll stay here and see what I can discover." Aiden cuts in.

Both Kyle and Logan jump and with salutes are out the door but not before they take a look in my direction.
"Okay. Well do you mind showing me to Brittany's room?" Aiden asks.
"Yes, of course" I say, standing up.
Aiden stands and follows me. When we reach her door I open it for him and he goes in. I watch as Aiden moves around the room, pulling everything out of a drawer and sortingthrough it before returning it to its place, he unmakes the bed, moves the mattress and I can't help but stare at his muscles as they flex under his tight shirt.
Once he's done he fixes up the bed and turns towards me.
"Have you taken anything out of here besides the notebook?" He asks.
"What? Oh, um, no." I say. Get a grip Grace.
"Right. Well there's nothing here," he says. I nod and lead him out the room. We go into the living room and I'm about to sit on the couch when a knock at the door comes.
I start toward it but Aiden holds out his hand stopping me.
"I'll get it, you stay here." He says.
"But..." I start, getting cut off.
"Grace for once just listen and stay here." He says, heading for the door.
Bossy as ever. Does he not really realize that he could see me the whole way and if someone ones to shoot me they could still do so.
"Got the notebook," Logan says, waving it around like a prized possession.

Logan and Aiden are going through the notebook writing something as they go in another notebook.
"Grace, I need a picture of Brittany." Kyle says, bursting through the door. I'm starting to see a trend here, and I don't like it.
"I have one in my bedroom," I say, standing.
"Sit back down. Where?" Kyle ask.
"I can get it," I say.
"No need. Now, picture?" He inquires again.
"Dresser." I reply. Not like it's my apartment or anything.
"Wrong way." I hear from Aiden.
"How exactly would you know?" Kyle asks unkindly.
"I was in Brittany's room." Aiden says rolling his eyes. Logan chuckles.
"Shut up." Kyle mumbles. I just watch the whole thing. This could be interesting.
Aiden and Logan are going through the notebook taking notes and writing everything down,when Kyle shows back up looking pleased.
"Brittany will appear on the late night news" Kyle says, before looking over the other two's shoulders and plopping himself down.
One things for sure, they have made themselves at home.
"Grace do you know these addresses?" Logan asks looking up at me. I go over and look where he's pointing.
"Yeah, I drove by them..." I trail off.
"No, what I mean is, do you know what is rumoured to be going on in those buildings?" He questions further.
"No..." I say, afraid of what's about to come out of his mouth next.
"Gracie, one is used mainly for gambling, betting and that sort of thing but also, there are rumours of gun dealings that have happened there. The other it's said, though not yet proven, is used for running drugs." Logan says softly, using my nick name that I haven't heard in years.
Oh Brittany, what have you done?
"Grace what was your sister doing sniffing around there?" Aiden asks.
"I-I-I don't know." I end up stuttering out. I have no clue what Brittany has gotten into. Her being missing was partially my fault, I hadn't been paying enough attention.
"Grace, Grace." Kyle says.
"Huh. Oh, um yeah?" I finally ask.
"We fear for your safety. If your sister got into either or both of those things and she owes money, they'll stop at nothing." Kyle says.
"What do you mean?" I asked, still a bit confused.
"What Kyle means, is that we will be staying here with you until we close the case. One of us will be with you at all times and we will be getting authorities involved, just not quite yet." Aiden says.
"But I've been fine," I say.
"It could be they just haven't found you yet," Logan replies.
"Wouldn't they have followed Brittany from here?" I ask.
"No, most likely from her job." Aiden says.
"She left from here." I argue back.
"It may be due to the fact they haven't gotten desperate. Please just listen." Aiden pleads. I let out a heavy sigh but nod my head. I still don't see the point but I can see they're not giving up and honestly I would feel better with someone in the apartment.
I just know I'm going to be torn up when they leave.
I hope I can put my heart back together again.

Shit. What have I gotten us into? How is it she is even more gorgeous now than she was five years ago, and her personality hasn't changed? Well heart, hang on tight. We're in for another ride or maybe this time, just don't let go? Aiden, hold up your here to a job.
After though, all bets are off.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the fuck just happened? We were honest but shit. I am not sure how I am going to come out of this as a whole. Fuck that, this time I wasn't letting go.
God, she's just plain gorgeous. Hold up Kyle, find her sister first.

There's no way I'm leaving this job without the last piece of my heart being torn to pieces. You know what? No. This time I'm grabbing Grace and holding on tightly. Looking at my best friends, I think we need to talk and soon. First though we need to find Brittany.

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