Burst my bubble

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I snuggle into the naked body next to me, relishing in the warm body wrapped tight around me. Knowing he had held me close all night makes me feel cherished and loved. As I wiggle my back closer to his warm chest, my bottom rubs against his groin. A sexy masculine growl rumbles in my ear, causing me to shiver.

"Baby doll" he breathes against my ear before I'm rolled over and his lips land on mine in a searing kiss. With the way we are now, him braced above me and kissing the wits right out of my head, makes me squirm wanting more. I can feel his hard member against my already wet center, so close to where I need him to be. Kyle pulls away and gives me a smirk and then he flexes his hips, not entering me, but teasing me with his hardness. He flexes his hips again as he returns to kissing me and I let out a needy moan, letting his tongue in to show me what he is thinking about doing with a different muscle.

As his mouth continues to drug me I arch up in a silent demand for more. He responds by grabbing my butt and pulling me even closer, deepening the kiss even more. I moan again wondering if the sensory overload can cause me to climax without him ever entering me. He ends the kiss with a teasing nip at my bottom lip and adjusts so he is right at my entrance. I'm about to mention a condom, when a loud knock at the front door, has us both pulling away breathless.

I start to get up, but Kyle gently pulls me back down. "Stay right there I'll go get the door, then I'm coming back to ravish that sexy body of yours," he says giving me a quick hungry kiss before getting up.

He pulls on his pants, and after quick peck on the lips he struts out of the room, like a man on a mission. Mission get rid of door knocker and return to bed I think as I giggle. I slowly stretch, enjoying the slight protest from some muscles that hadn't been utilized in ages. Thinking about last night, and this morning makes me want to squirm with need and go find Kyle and demand he finish what he started. I sit up on the edge of the bed, idly wondering who is at the door. 

"You're not fucking welcome here!" Kyle shouts and it has me scrambling out of bed. Who the heck is at my door for him to be reacting so badly, I wonder as I grab Kyle's shirt and put it on. Grabbing a pair of sleep shorts and getting them on I make my way out the room.

I can't see around Kyle, but his posture has me nervous on who's the other side.

"Kyle?" I question nervously as I come to stand behind him, placing a hand on his back to let him know I'm there. "What's going on? Who is it?"

He turns and the look of worry on his face has me fearing the worst. He looks into my eyes seeing how his tone has upset me and his features soften. "Baby doll, its okay, I promise, go back to bed please," he says, his eyes pleading with me to let him take care of whoever is at the door. I turn responding to the plea in his eyes and the love and trust I have for him. I'm heading toward the kitchen to start coffee.

"Grace?" A woman voices says, and instantly the sound of it has me on the defense, I know that voice.

"Baby doll." Kyle pleads but I am too angry to listen as I stride back towards the door, my anger rising with each step as I make my way over.

When I get to the door, I duck under Kyle's arm, verify that it truly is her standing there a welcome smile on her lips and her hands outstretched like she expects a warm welcome hug. Before I even think of what I am doing I bring my hand back and swing it forward as hard as I can. I slap the woman that left us all those years ago and only Kyle's hand grabbing my own stops me from doing it again.

"Ow! What the..." She starts as she cradles her reddening cheek, but I cut her off viciously.

"Get the hell away from me and here!" I shout, slamming the door. "And stay away from Brittany!" I yell through the shut door. I turn away brushing tears of rage from my eyes, I will not cry over that woman, I think viciously. Kyle is still right behind me, he directs his own angry glare at the door before taking me into his arms, giving me the comfort I need right now, I can't believe she showed up here. What the hell does she want?

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