Flying brooms and glowing sticks

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So i wont be updating for a week or two , because  of my trip. And i wasnt  going to post this but i  cant sleep so i might as well giving you guys to read lol I hope its good so far :)

Waking up I rolled over hoping to find another body next to mine but instead my arms wrapped around a vanilla scented pillow.

Opening my eyes I sighed.  


Rolling out of bed I decided to start my day. Even though it was around noon, I thought of Tammy complaining that i was wasting my day away.  I was really just enjoying my time off of tour.

It had been a three months since warped, since  Tam and I started dating. Life was perfect.

She moved back in with her mom but spent most of her nights at my place. Working down at a local gym, either training or instructing classes. It was natural that she left early in the morning, leaving me to wake up alone during the week. But weekends she was all mine.

We had  put behind everything that had happened in the past and started fresh. It was as  if we were best friends again only this time there was more physical distributions.

Tony's plan had worked to get her back to where belonged. With us. The  guys had never been happier to have her back, to have the  endless drama end. Even Cass was excited to have a girl to chill with. There was a lot of celebrating that night.  Our fans had been supper supportive about our relationship too. Though Tam wanted it kept out of the spotlight as much as possible cause there was a few crazy fans that tried to start rumors and stuff. There was no escaping that.

Walking into the kitchen deciding what to have for breakfast I found a note on the counter.

Morning baby,

Hope you had a good sleep. J

Theres coffee made and some bacon in the microwave.

I wont be there tonight, my mother asked me to go to dinner with her and Frank tonight.

Ill see you at Mikes tomorrow.

Call me later.

Love you xoxo

I was a bit sad she wasn’t coming back after work. I had to admit when she wasn’t around I felt lonely. There was still a fear that in the back of my mind that she would leave again one day. Even if she always reminded me that she would never leave again. Forever doesn’t always last.

Taking my coffee outside , I sat on my deck looking at the shore line. It was a beautiful Monday after noon. Maybe ill go see the guys later

Vic: Morning, anything happening today?

Jaime: Good after noon sleepy head!  Not really. Tony and Mike are fighting over what movie to watch. Come over. ? I miss my lover

Vic: haha, ill be there soon my love

Finishing my coffee I went back in to take a shower before  I left to go over to the guy's place.

Jaime pov.

“No Tony we are not watching  Star wars again!”

“Well we sure aren't  watching Harry pot head! Im tired of see the nerd cry over his parents and a pale nose less guy in a dress continue to go after a child. You know how perverted it is?!” 

I sat back, sipping my coffee and watch my two band mates fight over the dvd player. The argument was getting more heated.

“What?! How dare you say that !  Your movie is gay! Its about a guy who lived in a sand castle that  out of nowhere becomes a super hero, who makes out with his sister while his best friend likes her and  fights this guy in a costume that apparently is his dad. While an insecure gay robot and his midget  friend follow him around. Talk about dysfunctional!.”

I laughed at  Tony's face. He looked so offended.

“Hey Jaime” Vic plopped down beside me. “What is going on?” he questioned looking at his brother and best friend in  a heated battle.

“Watch, its hilarious”

“Your movie is gay!. Who plays with  twigs and rides brooms! Brooms are for cleaning not for putting between your legs!”

“Screw you!  Your guys fight with glowing sticks. don’t even get me started on the green goblin.  Green midget  frog, what  I am. Hmm”  Mike said  mimicking  Yoda's voice.

Vic and I burst out laughing as Tony's face got redder and redder.

“You’re a jerk mike.! At lease my movie doesn’t have any soulless gingers who cry and go for the butchy girl”

“Nope, only relatives” he smirked knowing he was going to win this.

“Screw you! Im going to watch this in my room!”.

 Tony  stormed off  leaving mike to smile in satisfaction.

“your  such a jerk bro”  Vic  spoke in between laughs. Mike looked over in surprise not realizing that he had an audience.

“Vic, you’re here?!”

“I am? Am I not suppose to be?”  

Mike came over and  gave his brother a hug. Vic barley came over anymore. It was always him and Tam. They were inseparable.

“no im just surprised. that’s all”

“Well, Tam isn’t coming over tonight, she has a dinner thing to go to. So I decided to come chill with you guys” he smiled.

“Yay! My lover has returned to me!” I yelled. Getting a laugh from both of them.

As I pulled Vic in and kissed him on the cheek.

“Yes my dear, I shall never leave”.

Mike made a disgusted face at us and shook his head.

“I don’t understand you two, But since you’re here. Lets to the store and grab some drinks for tonight”

“What about the movie?” I asked.

Mike shrugged. “I didn’t really want to watch it” 

The three of us broke out in laughter as we walked out the front door.

I know it's hard, but who are you to fall apart on me? (Sequel to IDWLMBF) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now