Planning a wedding

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Tammy pov

“So any thoughts on what kind of dress you want?”

“Dress? Tammy  I've been stressing out over where we should have the reception!” Cass was  freaking out. She  woke me up at 6 this morning  because she couldn't sleep and was dying  to get all of this planned out. We were suppose to meet around noon but  clearly that  was no longer the plan. So we sat inside Starbucks with our coffee and muffins. Cass has two out in front of her and had  just dumped a plie  of wedding magazines and books in front of me.

“I don’t even know where to start”  she was  pacing  in front of the table  with her hands on her hips.

“Well being your maid of honor, I say we  figure out a date and  then see what places are available”

She stopped.

“Tammy where  would I be without you?”

I smiled and  she came to sit back down. Which was  great  because  it was making me irritated.

“So I was thinking  May?  Or June. Maybe a  fall wedding?”  

“Fall wedding is my wedding” I said sticking out my tongue.  it really was, and as much as a  close friend she is to me. No one could have my wedding.

“Fine, spring. I like  spring better aways.”

We finally  agreed on a date making sure the guys didn’t have any tour planned, there was  none on the site so we  went a head and called a bunch of venues.   Paradise point resort was  the venue we managed to get for the date. Now we were  stuck on a theme. Cass loved green or  blue so i had an idea. Clearly it was all simple  idead but the way she was fussing over everything was giving me a headache.

“How about, we go with both? we are  right by the beach so the colours will match.” 

“I love it! But what  if his parents want some traditional wedding things?”

“I suppose we can ask? “

I told Cass id go  call Vivian and see  what her thoughts where but really I just needed to take a break. Planning this weeding was stressful and I was starting to think I was planning my own, and it scared the shit out of me.  Not to mention that headache i had was growing.

“Hey babe” his voice cooed over the phone.

“Hey, what are you up to?”  I asked.  

“Just  got up actually. I hate waking up alone with you living here. I think we should make some ground rules”

He made me smile.

“Oh yeah? Whats number one?”

“You cant leave this bed until I say so”

“is that so?, then I guess number two is that I get a massage before bed every night”  He laughed

“Oh, well if that’s the case  I think number two should  be both ways and then leading to sex”

“Really Fuentes, really?”

“yes babe really”   I sighed in defeat. I felt a lot better after  hearing his voice and the  weight of being a maid of honor was lightening off my shoulders. That is, until I heard Cas squeal a  hello. I knew the other girls had arrived.


“sorry, I was thinking.”


“Cass's wedding, shes driving me crazy. Oh, I was  suppose to ask. Do you think your mom would want to cook, or be free this week to go look at dresses?”

“Yeah I think she would love that, and ill call her later. But babe, I have to go” I could hear the sadness in his voice. It was exactly how I felt.

“Okayy”  I groaned.

“The guys and I have some kind of meeting today. Txt me when your done and ill come save you”

“okay snookums” 

“Bye sugar plum”   I hung up while laughing at our stupid random nicknames we  threw at each other.

“Snookums? Sorry but that is not sexy”  I spun around no even realizing someone was standing behind me. 

"Hayley!” I screamed. And we  both embraced in a giant hug.

“Sorry, that was  Vic. We just.. Umm.. We are retards at heart”

She laughed. “I know, and that’s why I love you”

We finally went back to the table with the rest of the girls and  continued on the wedding plans.  Turns out we were  dead set for May  24  weekend, at the  Paradise point resort  over here in San Diego. Our theme was blue and green , having the weeding on the beach and the reception later that night at the resort. Later that week we booked a  few places in town to go look at gowns and bridal dresses.

As for the bachelorette party.  We were split between Vegas or just fancy hotel suit with a roof top pool with a bunch of strippers and  friends.  Odds were,  most  of the girls were single and wanted the night of wearing tiny  bikinis and hot men.  Vic was not going to like this.

“Well its not like the guys arent going to a  strip club” Lights being  married knew how these parties went. "I mean when  beau and I got married, I was fine with it."

“I don’t  know, If Vic.”

“Vic, all I hear about is Vic!. Its your friends wedding, she wants male strippers. We are getting male strippers. Hes going to be with dirty hoes for the night getting their goodies all up in his face.. Its not like anyone is  going to go all the way and  cheat  or  run away with a stripper.”

she was making this more uncomfortable for me after placing the  image of someone elses "goodies" in my boyfriends face.

All the girls agreed. I felt like a  party  pooper at the moment, but I really didn’t like this idea. I knew how I got. I knew how much I drank.

“ugh, fine! Male strippers and  pool top it is.”

I know it's hard, but who are you to fall apart on me? (Sequel to IDWLMBF) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now