Chapter 6

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It was party time and I stood  out back with Tony, Britney,  Matt Mullins, Beau and Austin.  While Jaime told us how the  other night he had lost his wallet and Tony made him walk into a grocery store with  Mikes  horse mask on and no pants and dance  down the isle. Just for a chocolate bar.

We all laughed, it was defiantly something Jaime would  do just to get food.  Britney didn’t  look to pleased that her boyfriend was out and about making a fool of  himself but she still couldn’t hold back the laugh. 

Jaime noticed and reached over pulling  his girlfriend in for a  big kiss. Making her swat him away  playfully. Watching the cute couple made me wonder where my boyfriend was.  He was gone for awhile now.

He was actually too cheery on the car ride here and still wouldn’t  budge on telling me what the celebration was for.  I figured now was the time to try again,seeing as though he would have  some alcohol in him. He would fall under my womanly powers.

I walked into the kitchen finding  Alan and  Lights talking amongst themselves.

“Tammy!” Alan yelled  when he  noticed me.   He came over and gave me a tight hug making me giggle.

“Alan, you just saw me not too long ago” 

“I know, but I now have to find reasons to hug you now” he  said still holding on to me.

He  honestly  made me laugh, Austin told me  when he had found out Vic and I were together he was sad. He never  really showed it when  i was with him though.

“Well I don’t think there should be a reason. Your still my ginger” 

“Whats going on here?” Vic came into the room making us both look.

“Are you  stealing my girlfriend from me Ashby?” he teased.

“Yes I am” with that Alan picked me up and ran out the back door. I clung for my life because he was stumbling everywhere and I knew he was drinking. Everyone just stared at us and laughed as  I called for help.  Nice to know my friends wouldn't help me when im in distress.

Next thing I knew I was on the ground.

“Ouuch! Alan! If your going to run away with me be sure that you can actually run!”  I sat up rubbing my head. Vic came running over and tried to help me up but failed because he was laughing so hard.

“Im sorry, I tried” Alan pouted as  Austin pulled him up.

I stood up and  Vic pulled me into a hug. “You alright baby?” he said finally calming down from his laughing fit.

“why yes I am. I  don’t think Alan has much as a chance of stealing me with that epic exit.”

“Hey! I heard that!”  Alan said as he stuck out his tongue.

“Good, cause  I don’t think I have it in me to run and tackle him down.” Vic said as he kissed me on  my head where I bumped it.

“Well that’s nice to know. So you wouldn’t chase after someone if they were taking me?" Acting as if I didn’t get his joke.

 “No no babe  I didn’t mean it like that”   I mentally smiled to myself because he thought I was actually hurt by the comment.  It was time.

“Well maybe ill believe if you tell me what tonight is about?”

Vic stopped, I watched as a smirk  grew on his face telling me that he caught on. I just stared at him trying my hardest not to smile at his cuteness.

He sighed “ Finnee! I cant hold it in any longer” 

I smiled  brightly at him  only making Vic shake his head  at my stubbornness to know things.

“Mike is asking  Cass to..”

Just as Vic was about to tell me Mike  walked in the back  carrying Cass bridal style.

“Can I have everyone's  attention!”  he yelled  getting everyones attention.

The  couple looked like they had just won the lottery, both of them smiling wide. To the point where they were glowing.

“I gathered everyone here today because I want you to meet ,  Mrs. Fuentes!”

There was a gasp from everyone for about a second before the whole backyard went up in an uproar. Everyone swarmed around the couple  hugging and congratulating. 

I really couldn’t express how happy I felt for my  two best friends. Even if they were  only  dating for a  few months now I knew both of them were utterly in love and It wasn't much of a shock to hear they were getting hitched. The  two were perfect.

“ WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME!”   I squealed turning back to face my boyfriend who  was staring at his brother with pride. He looked down at me and smiled innocently.

“Cause it was a surprise” he shrugged.

“That’s  bull,  You  tell me everything”  I pouted.

“Babe, you would of told Cass”  

My jaw dropped. He thougth I was a blabber mouth?!  Vic saw my reaction and laughed pulling me into a hug and then directing me over to the engaged  couple.

“Congradulations!!” I squealled  as I gave Cass the biggest hug ever.

“Thankss you!” she  returned the high girly voice.

I then went over and hugged Mike and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Congrats Mike. Im so happy for you both"

He returned the kiss on the cheek and gave me a tight  hug.  "Im the  luckiest guy in the world"  he said looking  over  at her bride to be,  Cass was  blushing like crazy.

“Cass! I want to know all about !”  I demanded, she nodded  interlocking arms with me  and we headed over to the rest of the girls who were  waiting eagerly to get a  glimpse of the ring.

YAAYY IM BACK!!  EXAMS ARE DONE AND ITS SUMMER :D ...  I couldnt be happier

I know it's hard, but who are you to fall apart on me? (Sequel to IDWLMBF) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now