Chapter 17

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Tam pov

Crawling into Cass's room wasn't exactly so ninja as I had expected. Having all three of us sobering off and hung over was messing with our lack of coordination and keeping quiet. I mean how do these girls not get my hand signals ? I couldn't tell you how may time someone would crash into my butt and burst out laughing.

The three of us crouched at the end of the bed while a snoring guy slept just above us.

"So now what?" Cass whispered

"Now you crawl over there and get you clothes so we can go" I said stating the obvious.

She nodded but obviously it only partly registered with her because she wasn't moving.

"Umm Cass that means you have to move " lights said.

"But I umm... What if he wakes up?"

Lights and I both let out a sigh.

"Fine ill go" I said just so we could leave. There was no time for arguing.

I got even lower and used my elbows to drag my body.

I'm so glad Im a trainer.

I got to the drawer and slowly pulled it open. Of course it had to be squeaky.

Without looking I slipped my hand in and felt around for clothes. Feeling my way I pulled down what I hoped was a shirt and shorts.

The guy in the bed snored really loud and started to choke . Which caused him to stir and possibly wake himself up. The two girls by the bed were trying to hard to hold in a laugh. I just rolled my eyes . All I wanted was coffee right now.

"Got it" I mouthed to them and they nodded. I began to crawl my way back with the clothes in hand. When he decided to sit up.

I froze, I had no idea what to do so I just laid there like an idiot.

The two somehow managed to wiggle under the bed and kept gesturing me to come.

lucky his back was too me but I saw him place his feet on the ground and I instantly became a ninja.

I rolled myself over to the bed and crawled under . The three of us held our breaths as he walked over to the bathroom.

Of course he didn't close the door. So we basically couldn't move and we were force to listen to the morning waterfall. I still don't get how guy can hold that much pee in.

"We have to get out " lights said barley auto able . We both nodded. The door wasn't that far but it would be super hard since we had to pass the bathroom.

The three of us looked at each other and nodded like we somehow had mind read each others thoughts. Lights held up tree fingers and silently counted down.

"ONE! RUN!". She yelled and we all crawled out from under and ran out the room. all of use screaming in the hall and into lights room.

I slammed the door guy and three if us stood there panting before busting out in laughter.

"What are you guys doing?" A sleepy Hayley popped her head out if the bathroom looking at us confused.

"Just being ninjas " Cass answered and the three of us laughed again.


"So are you going to tell the guys?" hayley asked as the four if us now sat at a table outside having our breakfast.

Cass shrugged. which is exactly how I felt.

I had no idea if I should tell Vic. I mean i should, before someone else does but I know it wont go well and  I want to know the whole story first. 

Just then I felt my phone vibrate and my stomach dropped.

"Speak of the devil" Lights said.

Nervously I slip open my phone.

Vic: hey babe, how was the party? Mikes freaking cause he hasn't heard from Cass.

"What he say?!" Cass leaned over

"He said Mike is freaking cause you havnt replied"

"Oh my god! I don't have a phone, shit he's going to kill me. Tell him to tell mike that I don't have a phone. " cass started to panic

" Calm down I am"

Tam: It was good. Hung over breakfast with the girls. Well Cass had an accident and dropped her phone last night. So she'll call him later. How's tour?

I tried to be as normal as I could but deep down all I wanted to do was text my bf how sorry I was. How  we invited strippers and got  really drunk and I accidently slept with  one. I am an awful girlfriend. Im going to hell for not telling him. Oh god!

"umm..Ladies..I think we have a  problem" Lights studdered and  dropped the  peice of toast she was about to eat. Our  eyes followed hers  which was  directly  to one of the guys last night. Which happened to be  Cass's guy.

Cass sank in her  seat beside me.

"Guys, please tell me he didnt see me?" She  mumbled.

just as she said that, he looked our way and smiled.

"shit, hes  coming. Cass you have to ask him" Hayley said, patting her arm.

"Morning ladies" He said a bit nervous.  I think he knows it was us who ran out of the room.

"Morning." lights  greeted him. I smiled and nodded but decided to  take a sip of coffee so i wouldnt have to talk.

"So about the pay, is it cash or check?"  the  table  fell quiet.  i wasnt sure if it was because he was standing here and we all wanted to know the answer to last night, or that he was asking to be  paid. 

Lights  elbowed me.

"Um yeah, I have to check right here" i scrambled to get my bag. Which  of course was in my room.

"Hey umm.. did you want some breakfast?"  The guy looked annoyed and opened his mouth to speak until another  guy came up beside him. Jeff.

This wasnt good.

I know it's hard, but who are you to fall apart on me? (Sequel to IDWLMBF) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now