Cant be without you

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Vic pov.

Tony, Jaime and  Cass sat around the  fire pit in the back drinking and joking around. Mike and I were inside getting some food. Or so we said. Mike had asked me to come help him with getting some chips. I knew something was up, because he was never the first one to offer to grab things. He was never the one to actually get up from a event that evolved drinking.

“So whats up bro?”  I stood leaning against the kitchen counter taking sips of beer as my brother  fiddled nervously around with bowls.

“  You and Tam are coming tomorrow night right?”  stumbling over his words.

“Yeah, of course.”

“Okay good, good”  I had never seen my brother so deep in thought.So jittery.

“Is something wrong?” 

Mike stopped what he was doing and turned to face me.  He reached into his back pocket with a wide  grin on his face pulling out a small velvet box.

“Im going to ask her to marry me”  he said holding out the box for me to take. I was frozen.  If I said I saw this coming I would be lying. This wasn’t like him at all. My brother had changed so much when he met Cass.  I was so over joyed that I started to choke on my drink.

“Vic”  he laughed at my choking.

“Sorry” I coughed.

“Mike, this is great.!  Congratulations!” I beamed  pulling my younger brother into a hug.

"Im nervous Vic,  what is she says no? What if shes not ready. I know its only been a few months but I love her so much. I cant see myself without her”

“She'll say yes. Don’t be weird, or she'll expect something. Girls can sense these things”

“You cant tell Tammy!, they go to the gym together, she'll spill the beans”  Mike was in a panic. I could  tell he put so much thought into this. 

I laughed knowing how Tammy sometimes would talk to much , things just seem to slip some times.

“I swear"  raising my right hand and placing my left over my heart. " How are you planning to do it?”

“well”  he started but stopped to  rub his neck nervously. “I was thinking a private dinner at the beach before. Though if shes says no, I don’t think the party..”

“Shut up. It will happen.” I had to cut him off, before he psyched himself out and didn’t go through with it.

Mike let out a breath of air he had been holding in.

“Well before the party.” he simply said. 

We decided to gather the  chips and things before  everyone noticed we were taking awhile  inside.

I laid in bed, wide awake. I couldn’t sleep.  This  place felt so empty without her. She slept over so much that I just  grew accustom to sleeping with a  body in my arms. Thinking that maybe if I came home with a  good enough buzz it would be easier to sleep but it wasn’t. My fear of loosing her and feeling this alone was always in the back of my mind. I hated this.

“Hello?”  a soft  groggy voice answered my  desperate call.  I had given in to my decision to call or not. I knew she had work and this was suppose to be our time to do our own thing without the other person. But  I struggled on days like this, where i knew she didn't.

“babe are you awake?” I asked. I heard her yawn and shift in bed on the other side of the phone.

“No Vic im asleep” she said sarcastically in her  tired sleepy voice. i knew I had woken her but I just needed to hear her voice. Not to mention how sexy  it sounded over the phone.

“Sorry, I just needed to hear your voice” I heard her let out a soft laugh on the other side. One she gives me every time I do something childish. I really couldn’t help it. I was still buzzing from the drinks and felt really alone.

“Oh vic, what am I going to do with you?.” 

“You could let me sneak in through your window?”

I didn’t wait for her respond and  I was already out of bed and slipping on my shoes. I heard some noise over the phone before she answered.

“Its open, come in quietly babe”

I knew I was beaming when I heard the okay to come over. I hung up the phone and practically ran out the door.

This girl had me hooked.

I know it's hard, but who are you to fall apart on me? (Sequel to IDWLMBF) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now