Family Dinners

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Im back from vaca!!  :D

Tams pov

I had just finished work when I got a txt from Vic saying he was over at the guys house and if I was done early to come by for some drinks. 

Deciding id reply later I slipped my phone in my bag and ordered my smoothie.

He had become really clingy and I didn’t really feel like leaving my mom right after dinner to go drink.

“Who was that?”  forgetting Cass was beside me. I jumped, making her giggle and  give me a weird look.

“Vic, he wants me to go over and drink with the guys tonight. I don’t want to though.”

“Don’t you have a dinner tonight?”

“Yeah, and I just want to sleep in my own bed tonight. I love being with him but I sometimes need my own space”

She nodded knowing how I felt. Her and Mike did the same thing until he asked her to move in with him. It was around the time I had come back when he asked her, and as much as they were a perfect couple. Living with someone was a lot different and you tend to get on each others nerves more easily.

We arrived in my drive way and Cass said goodbye as she crossed the lawn to go to her place while I went into my house.

“Mom! Im home!”  I called.

My mom came around the corner and pulled me into a hug. She had been a lot nicer since her new boyfriend came around. She didn’t bitch at me or act like an over protective mother as much, but she still had her moments.

“Hows my baby girl?”

“Good, just tired from work. I had a bunch of clients before noon then my yoga class at 1”

“Sounds like a busy day. Hows everything else?Vic?”

“Hes good, hes already asking me to go over”

She laughed,  it wasn’t something I was use to but I loved that she was happy.

“young  love” she sighed with a grin  “hes so in love with you”

Hearing that he was in love with me, made my cheek warm up. I really loved him. I was so happy to finally be over everything and just have him back. Life had been perfect since Tony came and brought me back. Since Vic accepted my apology and asked me to be his girlfriend. He was my best friend.

“im going to shower before we go out”  I blurt out before she  noticed my goofy grin that played on my face.

She nodded and I went upstairs.

My room felt so foreign to me. I hadn’t been here in a few weeks. Most of my essential things were at Vics, but it was always nice to be home.

I had finished my shower and was in my room applying my make up. It was a bit chilly tonight so I wore my black tights and a day of the  dead tank that was open in the back making it a  bit flowy. Leaving my hair in its natural wave, it ended past my rib cage.

“Honey, almost done?” my mother called.

“Coming!”  I yelled.  Finishing up my eye liner I grabbed my phone to give Vic a quick txt.

Tam: Hey baby, going to dinner. Ill message you in a bit, have fun drinking. Be Safe!

Vic: Thank babe, Ill try. Would be better if you were here.:(  Have fun! Love you.<3

I smiled at his txt then slipped my phone into my purse and left.

We sat in a  booth at a dimly lite sushi restaurant. I sipped on my green tea as my mom and her boyfriend engaged in a conversation among themselves. It was cute seeing how coupily they were. It made me miss Vic.

“So we have something to tell you”  Frank spoke pulling me out of my thoughts as he rested his claps hands on the table while my mother hooked her arm around his.

“your mother and I are planning on moving to L.A”

I felt my eye browns scrunch together as I thought about how dumb that was. Why would they move?  We always lived in that house. Every since my mom, dad and I came here. We lived there. What was I suppose to do?  Go with them? My work is here, my  friends are here. Vic is here. This is unfair. 

“honey?” my mom asked concerned 

“What?! Why?” I spat out with a  slightly raised voice.

They both looked at each other with sad faces. Like this was expected.

“Well, its nicer there and Frank has a business starting up.”

“So?!”  I knew I sounded like an immature kid but I was kind of cheesed.

“What am I suppose to do?  Drop my work and come with you guys? My life is here!”

“No, we don’t expect you to do anything” Frank spoke gently to me. I hated when he did, he  reminded me of how a father would speak to their  kid. He was not my dad.

“We thought you and Vic. Would.. You know” my mom said trying to ease out the word. I knew what she was getting at.

“Live together.” I said flatly, giving her attitude. 

“I cant just move in. He never asked me and it would be rude.”

“You practically live there now, Hun.” She was still using that motherly calm voice.

“But my house” I wined.

My mother went to speak but our food was placed down in front of us. Giving her some time to think before she spat out more solutions to this problem they created.

“that house is old, I need a change. L.A has promise. You can always come and visit. Think of it as a vacation home.” she smiled.

I sighed. She was lucky I was starving and my  dragon roll was calling my name . I nodded knowing  that nothing was going to change her mind. Only frank could do that. 

“How long do I have?"

I know it's hard, but who are you to fall apart on me? (Sequel to IDWLMBF) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now