Chapter Ten: Seeing Ada

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"Here lies the last homely house, east of the sea."

Visenya saw Thorin looking at the wizard in rage.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy."

That made Visenya flinch a little, but she knew the other caught it, which made Frenwin frown at Thorin because he may dislike Elfs, but even he knew they were not all that bad.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself."

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They will try to stop us."

"Of course, they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact and respect, and no small degree of charm, which is why you will leave the talking to me and Visenya."

They start making their way towards Rivendell, as they enter Rivendell they are met by some elves being led by Lindir, who bowed at Visenya and a head bow to Gandalf.


"Ah, Lindir."

Thorin leaned then whispered to Dwalin.

"Stay sharp."

Lindir starts speaking in Elvish to Gandalf.

"We heard you had crossed into the Valley."

"I must speak with Lord Elrond."

"My Lord Elrond is not here."

"Not here? Where is he?"

They hear the hunting horn and turn to see the returning elf war party making Visenya smile but was pulled into the middle by the dwarves making Frenwin snort at Visenya look of disbelief.

"Close ranks!"

The elf war party surrounded the dwarves, they see Elrond is with the war party, but Terrax was running with Elrond, staying close till it saw Visenya and got close.


"Lord Elrond."

Gandalf greets Elrond in Elvish.

"My friend! Where have you been?"

"We’ve been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South. We slew a number near the Hidden Pass."

Elrond gets off his horse and embraces Gandalf but looks over the Dwarves then smiles more at the sight of Visenya, making Thorin step in front of her.

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near."

"Ah, that may have been us."

Thorin shows himself to Elrond, who gives him something of a genuine smile.

"Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain."

"I do not believe we have met."

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled Under the Mountain."

"Indeed? He made no mention of you, but Visenya did."

Elrond looks surprised at Thorin as he was expecting just an insult, but Throin was holding himself back for Visenya  so he spoke in Elvish, to which Gloin takes offence to.

"What is he saying? Does he offer us insults?"

"No, Master Gloin, he's offering you food."

That made them relax, but Visenya smiled before working her way out of the dwarves to greet Elrond.


Visenya said hugged her father figure with a smile who returned it before pulling her along as she talked about their journey.
She turned to the company that started to follow before they were taken to the guest rooms while Visenya went to her room.
She took her time to get clean and prepare her things for the next part of thr journey, she knew her Ada did not want her to go, but she could not leave Thorin, and he knew it.
Once she had her hair weavy then her dress clings to her chest but flows around her with some flowers in her hair.
She left the room with Gilda who was gossiping and it seemed Odos finally asked to court her which Visenya was thrilled about but she was shocked that Visenya was the Dwarven kings 'One' but also being Elondas soulmate which was not common.
Once the doors open she walked in and saw her Ada,Gandalf and the dwarves stand when they see her enter making her smile but when she looked at Thorin he seemed stunned to see her, he moved the seat next to him for her to sit which she accepted much to the amusement of the company when Elrond cleared his throat and looked at the swords on the table.

"This is Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver. A famous blade forged by the High Elves of the West, my kin. May it serve you well. And this is Glamdring, the Foehammer. Sword of the King of Gondolin. These were made for the Goblin Wars of the First Age."

Bilbo wonders about his own sword, looking down at it. Balin notices the hobbit's plight.

"I wouldn't bother, laddie. Swords are named for the great deeds they do in war."

"What are you saying? My sword hasn't seen battle?"

Balin spoke in a regrettable voice.

"I'm not actually sure it is a sword. It's more of a letter opener, really."

"How did you come by these?"

"We found them in a Troll-hoard
on the Great East Road......shortly before we were ambushed by Orcs."

Visenya could see her Ada eye tick, making her hold a giggle.

"And what were you doing
on the Great East Road?"

"Excuse me."

"Thirteen Dwarves, my adopted daughter and a Halfling........Hm...... Strange travelling companions, Gandalf."

"These are the descendants of the house of Durin. They're noble, decent folk. And they're surprisingly cultured. They've got a deep love of the arts."

Visenya was half listening as she saw Nori and Oin start to misbehave with Borfur pitching in.

"Change the tune, why don't you? I feel like I'm at a funeral."

"Did somebody die?"

"All right, lads. There's only one thing for it. There's an inn. There's an inn."

There's a merry old inn
Beneath an old grey hill
The rest begin singing:
And there they brew a beer so brown
The Man in the Moon
Himself came down

One night
To drink his fill
- Oh -

The ostler has a tipsy cat
That played a five-stringed fiddle
And up and down, he saws his bow

Now squeaking high
Now purring low
Now sawing in the middle
So -

The cat on the fiddle
Played hey-diddle-diddle
A drink that'll wake the dead
He squeaked, and he sawed

And he quickened
The tune
And the landlord
Shook the man
In the Moon
'it's after three!' he said.

Visenya smiled at their singing, but she could see the distaste in some of the elves' faces.
She loved the life and soul that the dwarves put in to the simple things,she felt drawn to it but she also could sense Elondas getting closer and would have to talk to Thorin at some point.

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