Chapter Seventeen: Coming Home

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Visenya looked over to Thorin, who was checking his axe along with Dwalin, Gimil, Frenwin, Kili and Aenir, as they prepared to join them as the first party to arrive but she saw Elondas and Legolas talking to eachother quietly.
Then, at Ina, Odos, Endos, Lettie, Rain, Riker, Tauriel, and Visno, check their weapons.
She saw Terrax walking around the edges of them, making sure all was well.
She saw Gilda standing with Luna, Sorion, and Alark, who were all watching them with apprehensive looks, but Visenya just gave them all a little smile before walking to them, then hugging them.

"Please be safe Múna, come back to us."

"I promise I will come back to you."

She pulled them into a hug as Sorion made his way to his parents and hugged them both tightly.
She knew she was only meant to be one and three (13) when they returned, but she would not be going beyond the wall yet, she knew Skagos would be the best place in the North for people to settle first as the island was only sparsely populated, she has already agreed for the dwarves to be given the mountains as they would be best to mine it.
Once she pulled away, Elondas and Thorin went to their respective children and then switched, making sure they knew how much they loved them and would be reunited with them soon enough.

Once the goodbyes were done, they arranged for when and where they would meet with the army's before turning to the rune door made of ancient oak then Visno and Visenya walked towards opposites sides of the entrance and sent their fire magic but also Visenya ice magic through the door powering them up.
They all saw the entrance grow for Laska and Albie, but she saw some tense when seeing Terrax, who looked eager to go through to the place of their birth.
Once they had done it, the entrance glowed gold, then shimmered before they saw a snowy landscape with a gaint weirwood tree, she turned to make sure everyone was wrapped up before nodded to them then one last look at her childern before walking throught the portal followed by Elondas, Thorin and Legolas then the others as they entered the land beyond the wall.
The dragons went first, followed by Terrax, and then the company followed as she looked at the portal that flickered and faded as her children waved to them but she stilled herself because she would do this for herself and for them.

The first thing Visenya noticed was that her ice power had increased. She was able to slow the snow and winds as they walked the few metres to the tree.
Once they arrived, Visenya was greeted by the children of the forest that were looking at her in awe.

"You are an Elf?"

"I am a Targaryen and a Stark.......I am also the daughter of the daughter of Lord Elrond of Rivendell."

She said before bending down and bringing her forehead to the child's, showing them a sign of respect among beings of nature before pulling away with a smile then whispers to Visenya.

"The Blood Raven is inside."

Visenya was surprised that her ancestory was still alive and inside, but she nodded at them and then gave Terrax his instruction mentally and nodded to Visno before turning to the others over the wind.

"Wait, by the entrance of the tree, keep a vigal. Visno, please come with me as I need another Dragon."

Visenya could tell that her soulmates were not happy about this but nodded, taking up the posts to guard the entrance.
Visenya looked at them with love before moving further into the tree, following one of the forest children. They walked for a few moments before coming to a man slowly being swallowed by the ancient weirwood tree sitting there looking so old, his silver hair and purple eyes looking at her in sorrow.


Visenya tensed a little at that, as did Visno because she made him aware of what she remembered of her old life.

"It is Visenya, but you already know this."

Visenya said softly as he nodded with a relieved smile on his face.

"Yes, you have changed the future, and I am thankful that I begged the gods to save you, and they did."


Visenya looked at him in suprised but he did a small nod.

"You, the Prince who was promised. The saviour of Westeros and Essos. You would have died that very night by Catelyns hand, had the gods and Valar not intervened when I asked."

"Thank you."

"You are the one to save house Targaryen and start it a new but I ask child that you set me free.....only one of Valyrian blood can."

He looked at Visno as he would not ask Visenya to become a kinslayer. The elf in question nodded at him and then withdrew his sword, ready to give this man peace at last.
The Blood Raven looked at Visenya and knew she would have a hard fight ahead of her but she would do great things, so he indicated for her to walk forward then she dropped to one knee before placing a hand on Visenya head and giving her what was left of his abilities, along with a better connection to the old gods, her warging abilities grew and her ability to see in time.

She went to her knees but the childern pulled her back as Visno slew the blood raven who had a smile on his face as he disintegrated before their very eyes, the childern crying for the lose of their friend but now thry knew things would be better with the elfs return.
After a few moments adjusting to these new abilities, she knew that she would need to meditate so properly sorted through it all, but they had no time now. She saw the Night King sending white walkers this way to investigate  the power wave he sensed.

They walked out, and she could see that they were relieved to be well, but she just smiled, then turned to the children.

"Go to other weirwood trees beyond the wall or close to it, hide from the white walkers till we are done. Once I have taken back Westeros, I will make sure to plant weirwood trees everywhere so that you may visit anytime, and the north will be under the dwarves jurisdiction."

They looked at her in joy and nodded along but a few offered to help when need and would be there when called, she could tell the others were in awe and respected these ancient being that have fought to keep what they could.
Once the children of the forest departed, they saw the ancient vanish before them, and Visenya knew that the tree would go somewhere safer for the children before the others looked on in awe but they departed towards the camp of the wildlings as she had people to save and hopefully recruit to her cause.

*Winterfell as they come through the portal*

Ned looked over his paperwork and withheld a sigh but finished the last letter before standing up and leaving his solar.
He walked along the walkway and saw the boys in the court yard at sword practice. He could see Robb practising with Theon, but he could see Jon practice further away.
Since Lyarra's disappearance, Jon has distanced himself from everyone apart from young Ayra. He is kind to the North people of winterfell, but he keeps his distance from Ned and has openly expressed his dislike for Lady Stark, where he never did before.

It had taken Ned a few years before his eldest childerns please to allow them to spend more time with there mother to take effected but he did it for them but made sure that they were aware that if they tired anymore then that she would be shipped off to the river lands which kept them quiet.
He had punished Theon for lying, which had the boy upset, but he understood the reason for it. The boy felt terrible for what happened to Lyarra. He did not think of the consequences of his actions, but after seeing it, he kept to himself for a while and avoided Jon at all costs after he nearly beat him to a inch of his life.

His was about to call them when he felt himself stagger. He looked to the sky and saw the snow sway a moment, but he felt something in his bones telling him that something had changed.
He saw Jon looking at the sky, but he could see Jon shake a little, but then Jon spoke with a smile.


That made all those in the court yard pause, but his eyes widened at that one name, then looked at the sky again, hoping to maybe see something, but he did hear something on the wind a........roar.
That made Neds heart stutter a moment before he shook his head and carried on, hoping he had just dreamt this because he did not think he could take the heartbreak.

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