Feeling like shit

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Y/N woke up feeling like shit, she slowly sat up on her bed while the sunlight stung her eyes suddenly tears rolled down her already puffy stained cheeks as she remembered what happened yesterday. The thoughts flashed through her mind of seeing her boyfriend Dae and her girl best friend  making out. Y/N fell back on her bed wanting to disappear, thinking of how she could face them today. After about 10 minutes, she decided to get up, as she entered the bathroom she looked at her reflection. Her red wet puffy eyes and cheeks made her break down even more but she had to suck it up and get ready for school. After taking a shower she put on an oversized gray sweater with a pair of blue jeans .

Y/N was already late but didn’t care , her first class was english in which was good at so missing one class wouldn’t make a difference

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Y/N was already late but didn’t care , her first class was english in which was good at so missing one class wouldn’t make a difference .
Y/N finally got to campus and the first thing she sawed was Dae and Mina coming out of the main doors hand in hand the most hurtful part was that they both looked right at her and walked pasted her like I was invisible tears started to form in her eyes but she soon brushed it away when she sawed best friend Jimin coming she then noticed the angry built  on his face but it slowly faded away when he saw her , he then came running towards her almost tracking her on the ground
“Hey cupcake are you okay?”
“Yes Jimin I’m fine”
but if anyone knew me it was him he could see through me like glass he then grabbed my hand and dragged me off campus , but I remained silent. After  about 5 mins of walking we found ourselves at my favorite ice-cream shop.
I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t even know when we sat down and when Jimin ordered , I kept thinking of them and what they did to me .
Dae and I dated for 3 years , I knew Mina for 5 years
“How the fuck could their do this me ?” I questioned myself
“Do you want me to kick his ass? ” he said, making me look up
“W-What No"
"Then stop pouting and eat your ice-cream” he said, making me smile a little but then it hit me
“How do you know ? ” I asked confused  everything only happened yesterday I didn’t tell anyone as yet
“I couldn’t find you that night and when I came outside I saw him and that bitch making out” he said making me tear up “You ran so fast I couldn’t believe it” He said chuckling
“You didn’t do anything right ?” I asked cause knowing him he would
“I was thinking about it but Taehyung came out the same time drunk” he said while licking his ice-cream for some reason i was thankful jimin didn’t do anything but because the pain was bad enough
“I’m going to a party later and your coming” he said “What N-”
“Yes you are” he said not letting me finish “Look Y/N I know your not the party type of girl but trust me this party is what you need” I just replied with a nod “Maybe you’re right this is what I need” i said Right?  

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