Same Bed Same Dreams

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One month pasted and me jungkook have been openly dating 

I told my oppa and he ALREADY knew and has known since that night i kiss jungkook which was like a WHOLE ass month ago 

And all the other guys can’t stop teasing us when we hold hands or he kisses me 

“Baby love what you want to eat today?” jungkook asked as we walked to the canteen

“Um how about spicy tteok-bokki” i answered and he agreed  

“Hey guys” jimin appeared with taehyung and jin and we both greeted them 

“Ming-woo is throwing a party later and invited us” jin said “Do you wanna go ?”

I looked at jungkook who was eating and he just nodded in agreement 

“Y/N are you down” jimin asked me knowing i hated parties and only went because of them in the past 

“Um well i guess” i said very much unsure 

“You don’t have to ” Taehyung said to insure me on one was forcing me 

“No it’s fine i’ll go” i said looking at them and their smiled brightly 

“Jungkook remember you’re driving” Taehyung said before the guys got up and left 

“Yeah i know” he replied knowing it’s job since he’s pretty good at handing his liquor he can drive if needed

~5 hours later~

It was now 7pm and the party started at 8 so i had an hour so i got some clothes and spread them on the bed since i already showed like 10 minutes ago

I finally chose an outfit did my hair and make up 

After about 5 minutes of waiting Jungkook texted me he was outside

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After about 5 minutes of waiting Jungkook texted me he was outside. I walked outside and down the walkway of my apartment to see the cute sexy bunny waiting outside the car for me. He opened the door for me and within 10 minutes we were there 

The loud music echoed inside the large house making it hard to heard 

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The loud music echoed inside the large house making it hard to heard 

I held onto jungkooks arm like my life was indanger 

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