baby love

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The sun shined though the window in the room blinding me

when i got i was still in his arms

i took up and sawed him staring right at me

"What the fuck" i said in my mind 'why is he awake ?'

"Morning" he said

"Um Morning" i said trying to get up but he stopped me

"5 more minutes

"But jungkook we-" my phone then rang seeing that it was yoongi i picked it up and also sawed the time it was 10:30am 'how did i sleep so long' sitting on the end of the bed i answered



Y/N : I browwored it

Oppa ❤️🐱 : You WHAT where are you

Y/N : Um i- i'm with a friend

Oppa ❤️🐱 : Who , what friend boy or girl

Y/N : Is that important

Oppa ❤️🐱 : YAHH do want me to kick your ass

Jungkook then grabbed my phone seeing me struggle to find words

JK : Hey yoongi

Oppa ❤️🐱 : Wait why are with Y/n

JK: I was drunk last night so I called her because i couldn't drive

Oppa ❤️🐱 : You two didn't do anything right

JK: What the hell do you think i am

Oppa ❤️🐱 : Just bring her back home by lunch time and if you touch h -

JK: I will not bro chill


Jungkook then walked over to me and handed me my phone sitting right in front of me like a child

"What did he say?" i managed to get out

"Too don't touch you and get you home by lunch time " "Which means we have an hour and a half for ourselves " he said grabbing my waist pulling me closer to him as he leaded in closer i could feel his hot breath hitting my skin making me want him so bad

he was about to kiss me but i pulled away i don't why

he then giggled and left and went to the bathroom

i held my heart falling onto my bed , what was that , why did he do that , why didn't i just kiss him all these thoughts danced in my head

"Y/N" i sat up as he called my name

He walked into my room with his wet skin shirt less FUCKING SHIRT LESS

this man is not good for my heart likee help

I then covered my eyes standing up seeing i was staring

i could hear him laughing which made feel embarrassed

"I don't have anything to wear " "Can I borrow some of yoongi's clothes please " he asked

"S-sure" i said speeding out the room into my brother's room almost falling on the away out

He was leading on the side of the door frame still shirt less

I turned around seeing him again "Here you go" i said , i could feel my face heating up

i then walked out the room telling him i would go take a shower now

"Do you need help?" he asked smirking

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