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I turned around and sawed one of my childhood friends smiling at me "Sorry Y/N didn't mean to scare you" he said chuckling i stood up hugging him since i haven't seen him since i was 15

"Min-jun" i said surprised "What are you doing here weren't in the states"

"I came back about a month ago" he said with his cute smile

jungkook cleared his throat making me look at him

he was giving me that bitch i'm i here or not look

"Oh min-jun this is jungkook" i said

"i remeber " he said as he held out his hand but jungkook just rolled his eyes making me kick him , he looked at me and i stared just as hard

min-jun the slowly put his hand down "Cold as ever jeon" he said chuckling

"How have you been?" min-jun asked

"Fine" "How about you?" i asked now looking at him


"Was the state fun?"

"It was you know you would like it there" "the beaches are really pretty and there's a cool butterfly frame"

"Wow that's sounds amazing" i said as i looked at jungkook his head was thrown back as he played with his hair

"Y/N would you like to go with me to th-" min-jun was saying but jungkook intrupurted

"We have to go" he said standing up and taking my hand

"What no we don't" i said but he glared at me like 100 % mad at me and i didn't even know why

"You were supposed to be home 1 hour ago" "Do you yoongi to kick my ass" he said in a strict tone

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"You were supposed to be home 1 hour ago" "Do you yoongi to kick my ass" he said in a strict tone

"No" i said with my head down like a child who was just scolded

"I can take her if you're in a hurry jungkook" minju said grabbing my next hand

"No that's fine" "She's my responblity" he said pulling my hand

"I can call yoongi and tell him" min-jun now pulling my ohter hand

I'm gonna rip in half at this point

"YAHH let go NOW" i said making both boys who was killing one another with there stares to look at me

Min-jun let go but not jungkook he only lessened the tight grip on my hand and intwinwed our figures

"I'm sorry Y/N" Min-jun said "Are you okay"

"I'm fine min-jun but jungkook is right i need to go home" i said "I'm staying until Wednesday you can visit me if you want" i told him

jungkook then pulled me to walk "Wait" i said to him , i took out my phone and gave min-jun my WeChat "You can text from here" jungkook pulled me agian

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