here with you

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"Jun-Jungkook what h-happened ?" i said in a panic voice

"Y/N please i need you" he said crying

"Where are you jungkook" i asked tears forming

"At the h-ho-hosptial" the tears now running down my face as he answered

"Okay i'm coming" "Wait.. Which hospital?"

"Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital" he said his voice now shaking

"okay stay there"

I jumped in my car driving to the hospital one thought over took me 'What if he's hurt'

Thankfully no one was on the road or i would've killed someone

i finally arrived at the hospital rushing inside but he was no where to be found

i went to the front desk and asked the lady sitting there but she was being an ass

i spotted on of eomma's friend who worked there and rushed to her

"Anuty Juni" i called out

"Oh hi Y/N" "Is something wrong ?" she asked seeing my state

"Have you seen jungkook" i waste no time and ask

"He just left"

"What, why would he?" "Isn't he hurt?"

"No" she said

"But he said he was here."

"Y/N" "He left because umm hi-his father just pasted" I just started running i don't why but i ran calling him when i got to the car

"Jungkook, where are you?"

"Yah baby i am at a bar" he said slowly making me feel butterflies

"What , what bar?" but the call ended

i then drove to the nearest bar seeing him sitting outside with 3 beer bottles in front of him

he was about to open another one and drink but i walked up to him and grabbed it

"Yah what the fu-" he stopped when he sawed it was me "BABY" he said making me blush a little

I gathered myself and said "Jungkook what are you doing here ? "

"Baby i'm hurting" he said making my heart break "I know "

I then pulled him into hug letting his tears fall me

After a while jungkook stopped crying

i carried him to the car and gave him water

'Where should i carry him' i thought 'Ah i can carry to halmeoni's place '

I then started driving I took over to jungkook who was asleep

we finally got to halmeoni's

"Jungkook" i said slightly shaking him

"Hmmm" he said turning

i then got out the car and went to his side of the door opening it and removing his seat beat

I shake him again this time causing his eyes to slowly open

"Y/N" he said in a husky tone

"Come on " i took one of his hand on my shoulder and helped him stand up

this time taking him inside would be easy hence there are no stairs

we got to my bedroom and i place him on the bed removing his shoes

i took my blanket and covered him

i was about to leave to get some water when he grabbed my hand pulling down onto him

"Baby please don't leave" i tried to remove myself but he was so strong

"Jungkook please let go" i said but he just got more comfortable with me on him as he hugged me tightly

i guess after a while i gave in and let the sleep over take my body i felt safe and comfort in his arms

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i guess after a while i gave in and let the sleep over take my body i felt safe and comfort in his arms

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