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'Next day'

I woke up the next morning sleeping on the couch with jimin , when i remembered jungkook was getting discharged this morning i rushed to get ready even if it was only 7am

I took a shower and got ready i tried to wake jimin before i left but it was no use so i left him there

I got to the police station in about 15 mins as i pulled up i sawed jungkook sitting on the ground waiting for me i parked the car and walked up to him

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I got to the police station in about 15 mins as i pulled up i sawed jungkook sitting on the ground waiting for me i parked the car and walked up to him

he saw me and literally ran up to me showing his cute bunny smile

he soon got to me and picked me up spinning me around and kissing me as he put me down

"I missed you so much baby love" he said kissing me once more

"I missed you too bunny" i said laughing

he then took my hand which shocked my body with a stinging pain

"What's wrong love?" he asked as I pulled my hand out his

"Um.. n-nothing" but he knew something was wrong

"Baby love don't lie to me please" he then took my hand reviling my cut

"I'm not lying i-i just hurt my hand yesterday that's all" nothing serious

"How? wait did you hit someone" he asked comparing the buries on our hands

"W-what why would I ever " I acted shocked

"Because it looks like mine" "Wait...."

"Did you beat the shit out of Mina ?" he asked me and my eyes widen

"Why do you think that?" i said thinking how the hell does he know that

He started laughing "Because when she came here this morning she had a black eye and a cut on her lip" he laughing in between his words

"Aish that isn't funny i didn't mean too" i said throwing my head back then walked to the car for some reason it's kind of embarrassing that jungkook found out

Jungkook then came by the car and opened my door "Get out i'll drive" he said smiling at me

"No it's fine your hand is stil-" i couldn't finish

"Yeah but i'm use to the pain you're not so just let me please" he said taking off my seat belt

"I said it's fine" he looked at me and then out of no where he picked me up and put me on the passenger said of the car, after that i didn't argue with him knowing he would've won and also he was right he got into a lot fights and knew the pain but i didn't not even once

"Here" i said giving him the breakfast sandwich from the back seat

"Thank you baby love" he said and kissed my forehead .

I opened the door and the best smell filter though the air

Jungkook smelled it to and looked at me surprise the only person in the apartment was jimin and he isn't the greatest at cooking i mean he is good but not so great to have water coming out of my mouth

I walked in the kitchen to see all the boys gathered around the little island in the middle

"Umm what's going on guys" i said and jk walked in same time

"Namjoon and Hoseok passed their exams" Jin said while cooking

"Okay great ....but why are you guys in my kitchen" i asked confused why there were all here when we usually hang out at yoongis' since he has a house

"Ouch Y/N do you want us here" Namjoon said with his hand on his chest as he acted hurt

"What no we just usually at yoongis' so yeah" i said feeling kind of bad

"Is it that you wanna hang out with your boyfriend instead of us " Teahyung asked

"W-what are you taking about" i asked looking at jungkook who was smiling and i then looked at yoongi who was also smiling and stupid me was blushing

Why the hell is yoongi smiling i thought

My phone then rang seeing it was Min-jun i walked to my room to answer the call


Min-Jun: Hey Y/n how are you ? Are you okay?

Y/N: Hey min-jun i'm fine , btw I'm sorry i didn't text you but something happened and my friend needed my help

Min-jun: It's okay actually your brother told me so it's fine

Y/N: Oh okay, um how was the showing ?

Min-jun: I didn't go

Y/N: what why not?

Min-jun: Ah something came up at work

Just then jungkook came in "Baby Love the food is ready come eat" he said and i smiled and nodded and he left

Y/N: Min-jun i'm sorry but i need to go

Min-jun: Oh yeah sure go ahead bye bye


We all ate our amazing food jin made for us and played some games and watched a movie. After it all it was 8pm and the boys left. Everyone except for Jungkook who demanded he had to help me with the dishes. I didn't go against it because I was tired for some reason.

"Baby love do water or anything" jungkook came and sat in front of me on the floor as i laid on the couch

"No i'm fine" i said closing my eyes just then a pair of pink soft lips kissed mine and butterflies explored in my stomach

"Is it okay if i take i shower" he said smiling at my with his big eyes

"Ah y-yeah sure" i said blushing like crazy

"Um, do you have anything to wear ?" i asked him

"Don't you have a pair of my sweats and a hoodie you stole from me "

"I never stole it you gave it to me" i said walking to my room to get the clothes

"I let you borrow it and you never gave it back actually" he said leaning by the door

"Here" i said handing him it

"Do you wanna help me" he said smirking

"W-what no just go" i said blushing once more

"You so cute when you blush" he said laughing

He was the worst person ever filling my head with all these ideas

I walked over to my bed and crawled under my blankets feeling cozy i got my laptop and put on my fav kdrama (school 2017)

The next thing i remember was falling asleep with jungkook hugging and holding me tightly

I had NO idea what to name this chapter i'm so sorry it's kind of boring
BTW if i'm not uploading as much as i did it's cause i have school so yeah i'm sorry i'll try to post more

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