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The cold winter air hit my rosy cheeks as i left my apartment to go meet my parents at a small cafe

It has been 4 months now and winter break is finally here

I put my headphones in and played some music as i walked to the cafe sticking my hands in my pockets due to the cold weather i loved winter but loved summer more

my wish for this year was for it to snow and hopefully jungkook will be at my side when it does

I got to the cafe walking inside i spotted my eomma and walked over to her and took my seat and ordered a villain cinnamon latte

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I got to the cafe walking inside i spotted my eomma and walked over to her and took my seat and ordered a villain cinnamon latte

"So na-bi how have you been these past few months" my mum asked me

"It's a bit tiring but fine" I said being honest "Um but where is Appa?" i asked

"He went to get you some fruits" she said "Oh"

"Darling .... Can I ask you something?" she asked and i looked at her

"Um sure what's up ?" i said feeling a bit nervous

"Well are you seeing anyone" she didn't even hesitate

"N-no why do y-you think that?" i said stunned by her question

"No reason it's just you're almost 21 and you're graduating next year and I want you to have someone with you love" she said with love but seriousness in her voice "Sooo i was thinking that you should go on a date with ... Min-jun" she said as the waiter brought my drink i was so stunned by her request that i didn't even thank the waiter

I wanted to tell her everything right there and then i wanted to tell her i had someone i loved very much and wanted him forever

"I- i don't mum" "I haven't really gotten to know min-jun well again" i said looking down a bit

"I know hun but..." "Just think about it okay" just then my dad came and we left and decided to go to my apartment since yoongi wasn't home and was on some business trip for my dad

We got to my apartment and all i could think about was why , why him out of everyone why min-jun why couldn't she say jungkook she's known him for so long

"Shall we cut the fruits love" my dad asked snapping my out of my thoughts

"Sure i'm just gonna change you guys go ahead"

I walked into my room closing the door behind me i walked over to my bed and fell on it then my phone rang and it was none other than my everything

"Hey baby love" jungkook excitedly said over the phone causing me to laugh

"Hi my bunny" i said sitting up

"Did you eat?"

"Yep did you?" i asked

"Not yet i just landed so i'll eat later promise " he said sounding so cute

"When are you coming back " i said in a bit of a sad voice

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