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“So when was the first time” i said folding my arms across my chest

“Ummm” “Well when you and and umm”

“Yah i’m not gonna beat you so talk” i said angry “Right” he said scared 

“Well when you came to the party after you know um the next day he saw him after school and um …. beat him up but he was drunk so it’s all fine ” 

“Umm okay but how did he end up in the police station” i asked

“Oh well the school guards catch and since he almost killed the guy and was drunk on school grounds they called the cops ”

After that the drive was silent i was lost in thought and jungkook focused on driving 

We finally got to the police station and I rushed out of the car without jungkook 

Jin and Jimin was sitting outside with someone else the figure seemed familiar and when i walked closer i noticed it was Dae *Fuck* i thought

When jimin saw me he stood up followed by Jin and Dae , i stoped right in front of the three boys looking at one in disappointment and he knew it 

I stood there looking at jimin then at dae 

Jimin’s  lip had a cut and so did by his eyebrow and his hand was bloody and bruised  

Dae’s face was covered with blood due to the cut from his head and one of his hands had a cut on it 

Suddenly Mina came to get Dae and just then jungkook came and took my hand in his

“Omg babe are you okay?” mina asked but Dae kept looking at me and i could feel it 

“Come on baby let’s go” mina said taking him away 

“Wait” Dae said making us look at him “Y/N i’m sorry” 

jungkook’s other hand formed into a fist but then i spoke 

“Like i said before Dae i accept your apology so please leave me alone” i said even though i didn’t forgive him it was the only way for him to leave 

“Y/N -” he started to talk but jungkook cut him off

“Yah if you don’t want ME to kick your ass leave her the fuck alone” 

“Wow” “What are you her boyfriend” “If so you should know she likes doing it with her hair down ” just then jungkook’s hand left mine and he punched dae hard in his face jimin was about to intervene but i stopped him  “Jimin please don’t ” jungkook threw another one causing Dae to hit the ground then some police officers came outside and stopped the boys 

Dae and Jungkook had to spend the night in jail seeing it wasn't either of the boys first warning I tried to say but couldn’t the boys would be released the next day

“Good job bitch” mina said to me and i slapped her hard in her face

“What did I do to you huh ?” i said tears forming and angry building  “Your the one who fuck my boyfriend” the words left my mouth and jimin took my hand but hit his away i wanted to know what i did to deserve all this pain 

“You were friend and you betrayed m-” 

“He never fucking loved you” “So i took him ” she said with o shame “Aishh you’re so stupid he was NEVER yours” 

“What” i said tears rolling down and my hand forming into a fist
“Do you think he loved you ” “You were just his game for when he was bored” “All those nights he ‘worked’ he was with me in my bed” she came closer to my face and i lost it i pushed her and she fell on the ground and i got on top of her and started to punch the shit out of her it felt so good to kick her ass

Jimin and Jin took me away before I could kill her and get in trouble from the police 

Jin was driving ad jimi was in the back along with me , we got at my apartment and jin needed to leave as he had something to do 

I came back from my room with the first aid kit and help jimin with his wounds

“You okay?” i asked him

“I’m fine” “How a-about you ” he asked 

“I’m okay” as my hands closed a sharp pain followed i had a small cut and bruise on my hand “Oww” i said sunching my nose

“Let me see” jimin said taking my hand “You’re a really badass cupcake” he said chuckling and i followed “I don’t know what happened i was just mad i guess”

“Now you know how i feel” he said putting a plaster on my hand and kissing it 

“Jimin what happened with you and um you know” he asked wanting to know what happened 

“Long story short ” “Me and jin was at a bar chilling when he came in i guess he was already drunk because he came up to us and hit the back of my head” “And well i had some drinks so yeah you can picture the rest” 

“Ahh” i didn’t know what else to say 

“Y/N can i ask you something” jimin said “Um Sure” 

“Umm are you and ….. jungkook dating ?” he asked and my eyes widen at the question 

how did he figure that out what the hell

“It’s just i sawed when he took your hand and you seemed unbothered ” i looked at him “And actually that day i came to your house but yoongi said you both were out so i just you know” “You don’t have yo te-” 

“We are” i said just as surprised as jimin was “Finally” he said falling back onto the couch making me laugh  

“What you mean finally” i asked resting my head on his shoulders

“Aish we all know you have that crush on him and we all know he like you so yeah”

“Yah you assholes and no one said anything” “I thought he hated me” i said smiling

“He was so in love with you the only thing he could was ‘hate you’ ugh so cute”

“Park Jimin stopppp ” 

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