You really hurt me

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Y/N woke up the next day not feeling any better. It was 9:00am and she had to get ready for her only English class today. She took a shower, ate breakfast and got dressed.

As she entered the classroom the only seat left was in the middle of Jungkook and Dae , I was already late so I just held my head high and walked in

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As she entered the classroom the only seat left was in the middle of Jungkook and Dae , I was already late so I just held my head high and walked in. The look on dae's face was priceless when he sawed me .

"Y/N can we tal-"

"Don't speak to me" I said

Just then the teacher walked in and the lesson began for the whole lesson Dae was looking at me but I was looking at Jungkook. He was sleeping the whole class I don't even know why I care but for some reason it hurts seeing him like that with his messy hair and sweater and sweat pants .

Class soon ended and i rushed to get out of there wanting to avoid both boys .

As i was putting books away into my locker because i didn't have class until tuesday a hand then touched my shoulder making me jump

"Easy it's just me" Dae said

"What hell do you want " i said trying to leave but he stopped me

"Can we talk?"

"Give me a great reason to do so"

"5 minutes is all i ask for please Y/N"

"Fine only 5 minutes" i said as he looked at me maybe if i let him talk he would leave me the fuck alone

"I'm a busy person Dae so get on with it " i said cause he wasn't talking

"I-I'm s-sorry" he started to cry and i looked at him blankly but also trying not to cry

"I know what i did was wrong , I was drunk so was Mina we didn't know what happened we're sorry we hurt you Y/N"

"You're fucking unbelieveable you know " "You came to say sorry to me with some shitty ass excuse without her do you take me for a fool"


"Listen Dae i'm gonna forgive you and accept you apologizes so now you can leave me the fuck alone but i'm never gonna forget what you did and how badly you hurt me , but the next day you didn't even explain anything to me you both just held hands and left me without any explaintion " i said tears now running down my face

"Leave me and my friends alone or else i'll let them kick your ass without stopping " I said i was about to walk away when he back hugged me

"Please Y/N I want you I need you"

I was about to elbow him but soon then a teacher came out of class and i ran for my life even though i could swear i sawed jungkook standing there by the door of our classroom .

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