Party Party Yeah

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It was now 6:30pm and Y/N had just finished taking a shower. She was still hesitant about the whole party thing but for some reason wanted to go and get drunk. She quickly picked out an outfit, did some light make up and did her hair.

Jimin finally arrived at Y/N apartment as she got in the car she was welcomed by Taehyung and Jin sitting in the back Jimin in the passenger seat and Jungkook driving, their all said hi and complemented her look expect for jungkook, but she was sh...

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Jimin finally arrived at Y/N apartment as she got in the car she was welcomed by Taehyung and Jin sitting in the back Jimin in the passenger seat and Jungkook driving, their all said hi and complemented her look expect for jungkook, but she was sh use to it .
Y/N knew them since she was little Jimin and her were childhood friends and later on she met the rest of his friends Jin and Taehyung , Jungkook she met when she was 10 years old he transferred to her school and jimin and the others took him in and thats how we started to talk , she then met hoseok and namjoon but met them through her oppa Yoongi , ever since she was little she had a crush on jungkook he was actually pretty talkative and kind with her but ever since she started dating Dae he became distant and I never questioned it because I knew he didn't like me AT ALL.

After about 5 minutes of driving we arrived at the party and met up with hoseok , namjoon and my oppa
"I wanna leave" I said standing in front of the house
"You haven't even been inside" Jin said while the others smiled or laughed well expect for jungkook who still had his poker face on.
After a couple of seconds, Jungkook, followed by the others went inside the house while I hugged Jimin's hand like I was about to walk into war which made him laugh . The strong smell of alcohol danced in the atmosphere , the loud music made my head hurt .
Soon after jungkook , jin and taehyung disappeared to go get some drinks while yoongi and hoseok were dancing with some girls and namjoon was sitting drinking talking to someone
jimin later carried to me to get something to drink
"What do you want ?" he asked
"My bed" i replied "Like how the fuck i'm supposed to know what to drink" I thought he just smiled and mixed a drink for himself and gave me to taste which made me feel the strong bitter feeling going down my thoart making me make a funny face
"Beer it is" he said noticing it was too strong.
After a while there was a loud sound coming from the living room I was currently talking with namjoon and hoseok in the kitchen when we heard people cursing and cheering I rushed to the living room and was in fear of what I sawed in front of me jimin was on top of Dae punching the shit out of him while taehyung and jin was also fighting with Dae's friends hoseok and namjoon along with yoongi tried to get them off
"How the fuck you cheat on Y/N" was the only words present in the room tears started to roll down my face then someone grabbed my hand and carried me to an empty room as the door closed I tried to leave beacuse I was worried about the boys when someone pinned me to the wall and then I noticed it was jungkook
"What the hell let me go" I said tring to get out his grip but he was too strong
"Can you shut the fuck up" he shoot back
but i couldn't say anything he just broke me more maybe he noticed because he then let go of me
"Y/N I'm sor-"
"No your not so don't petend your are" I said
"Do you hate me that much" he mumbled but I heard him
"What the fuck is your problem" I asked angry builling inside of me
"What's my problem" he scoffed while asking "You're the one who stopped talking to me" he said I just looked at him with disbelif
"I never stoped talking to you , you're the one who avioded me and I don't even know why"
"You're stupid" he said
"Yeah i already know what you think of me jungkook "
"What?" he said maybe confused
"I know what you think of me " I said particularly shouting "I heard what you said about me that night " "That I was just a stupid asshole for dating dae and you could never like or understand me " I said trying not to fall apart
I could see his eyes tearing up and i scoffed "Why the fuck do you wanna cry "
"Y/N you misunderstood" "That night I-" he tried to explain but i cut him off
"No jungkook i don't care" "You have no idea how much pain your words cause and i really want to forget" and with that i left
Y/N ran out the house looking for the others she then saw jimin and yoongi sitting on the side walk waiting for her she just ran to jimin was she mad about what he said 'Yes' but seeing him like this broke her heart
his bloody face and hands broke her "Jimin" I called out
"Cupcake " he smiled "you don't hate me right ?" he asked with hurt in his voice
"I could never Mochi" "Where are the others " I asked my oppa
"Namjoon took them home" yoongi said , after that he dropped me home , but i couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard i tried the conversation with jungkook really hurt me and i started to cry after sometime i just blacked out .

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