First Kiss

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Y/N got home feeling just as she did when Dae and her broke up just worst

she opened the door while yoongi stared at her from the couch

He stood and was about to say something but she fell down on the ground letting the tears fall down as she did so

Yoongi ran to her hugging her "W-what happened" "Y/N are you okay ?"

i wanted to answer but the words couldn't find a way to leave my mouth

yoongi then took to me to the sofa and got me a glass of water to calm down

After a while i calmed down and explained everything to him and he was silent a while after then he spoke

"Y/N do you l-love jungkook" his voice was soft and calm and his question shocked me

he was my brother and always viewed jungkook as his younger brother i thought he wouldn't even think about us together

"I do" i answer confidently

"Then you should tal-" " i mean just be patient"

*Be patient* what kind of advice is that i thought but maybe yoongi was right i should wait till i see jungkook tomorrow *Hopefully*

"Where are you going ?" yoongi asked me as i stood up

"I'm tired" "oh okay" he said and i left

even though i couldn't sleep i did due to the burning sensation in my eyes

~Yoongi's POV~

I looked at Y/N who was quietly asleep i covered her as there was a knock on the door i went to open it seeing jungkook standing in front of me made my blood boil before i could think i just punched him hard in his face i then realized what i did and apologized even if i didn't mean it as much as i should

"I deserve it " he said looking up and i sawed his red wet puffy eyes

I felt the same pain as it did when i sawed Y/N , he was little my younger brother

i took him inside and we talked for a while

As i was coming back from checking up on Y/N i got a call from eomma reminding me i needed to go get some stuff for lunch tomorrow since Y/N's childhood friend Min-Jun was coming over .

when i went back to the couch jungkook was asleep even though i didn't want to leave him here if Y/N woke up i knew i wouldn't be long since the store is 10 mins away

~1 hour later~

Y/n woke up with her eyes burning like nothing before as she reached for her phone to check the time it was dead looking on her alarm clock it was now 8pm

she got up and went to her bathroom to freshen up

coming out of the bathroom i felt hungry and decided to go make something to eat

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coming out of the bathroom i felt hungry and decided to go make something to eat

Walking out of her room and down the walk way

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