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The morning sun lightly appeared in my room hitting my face

there i was laying in bed with jungkook holding me like a baby

looking at up him i sawed he was already staring at me with his bunny smiling

"Morning baby love " he said as his smile grew

"Morning bunny" "Um what time is it ?" i asked

"6am " "Why ?"

"Ohh yoongi may wake up in the next hour or 2 " "But since we have to prepare for the lunch with min-jun he may wake up earlier " i said sitting up on the bed

"Min-jun is coming here" he asked hugging me from behind

"Hmm so i need to get ready " i stood up but he pulled me back down

"Can't you stay for 5 minutes pleaseeeeee" he asked in a baby voice

*Ughh how could i say no *

"Fine but only five minutes" i looked at him and he kissed me

flipping me so now he's on top of me kissing me on my jawline then down my neck to my collarbone letting a little a small soft moan leave my mouth

he then returned up by my neck driving me crazy

"Ju-Jungkook we sho-should stop" i tried to get the words out

"Why baby, we have an hour left " he said looking at me

"I need to get ready " i could finally think straight

"Do you want help " i said boldly as i was walking to the bathroom

"NO" i said hearing him laugh

"Aishh this man will kill me" i said holding my heart

I stepped out of the shower got changed and did some make up

It was now 7am walking out of the bathroom jungkook was sitting by my table holding my jar of stars well HIS jar of stars

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It was now 7am walking out of the bathroom jungkook was sitting by my table holding my jar of stars well HIS jar of stars

"What are you doing" i took the jar from him pacing it back on the desk

"What's that about" he asked staring at me up and down

"Um nothing it's just for decoration"

"Ahh" "Do you have to wear a dress today?" he said with his head tilted to the left a bit to the right

"Umm " i didn't know what to say i just stared at him

"Are you not going to get ready" i asked changing the topic

"1. I don't have anything of mine to wear and 2. Don't change the topic"

"1. Just get something from yoogni 2. I wore it for you"

Before i could run away he grabbed my hand causing me to sit on his laps

"W-what are d-doing ?" he smirked

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