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Two Weeks Later
January 7th; 2019
Taylor Swift's Point of View
The day I discovered I was pregnant, I longed to feel overwhelming joy, to be so elated that not even a shadow of sadness could touch me. But as the days passed since that positive test, all I've known is a deep sense of depression and anxiety. Joe, bless his heart, has been nothing but supportive, yet he remains unaware of the true source of my emotional turmoil.

Today, I have my ultrasound appointment to confirm the pregnancy. Part of me desperately hopes for a negative result, praying that no tiny life has taken residence within me, but deep down, I know it's futile. I've been compulsively taking pregnancy tests every day, each one delivering the same unchanging outcome: positive.

In the sterile, clinical setting of the hospital, I find myself draped in one of those uncomfortable white gowns they always provide for these procedures. Lying back on the table, I try to focus on the technician's explanations, but my mind is consumed by a rising tide of panic.

"Now, if you could just put your legs up for me," the doctor instructs gently. "This might feel a little uncomfortable at first."

I comply, lifting my legs and taking a deep breath, bracing myself for the sensation as she inserts the transducer. With a light bite on my lip, I steel myself against the wave of emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

The doctor's chuckle echoed in the room as the black-and-white screen illuminated with the image of my unborn child. "Oh, this is a big baby," they remarked, their words mingling with the rush of emotions swelling within me.

With a smile spreading across my face, I gazed at the screen in awe. "I'm pregnant?" I breathed, the reality of the moment sinking in as I beheld the tiny figure before me.

"100%," the doctor affirmed, guiding my attention to each delicate feature. "Here's the head, here's the body, the nose and mouth. They're about five centimeters," they explained, their words both grounding and surreal.

Trembling with anticipation, I mustered the courage to ask the question that weighed heavily on my mind. "Can I hear the heartbeat?" I managed, my voice betraying my nerves.

"Of course!" the doctor replied warmly, and the room was filled with the rapid, rhythmic thumping of my baby's heartbeat. Tears welled in my eyes as I listened, overwhelmed by the miracle unfolding.

"I can't believe we made that." Joe smiles as he holds my hand.

"They're about 11 weeks." The doctor informs us.

"Are you sure they're that old? Like 100% positive?" I question, the implications of their answer sending my mind into turmoil.

"I'm pretty certain. Is there something wrong with that?" the doctor responds, their tone gentle but probing.

"No," I reply quietly, a mixture of emotions churning within me as I turned my gaze back to the screen. At that moment, I knew I was facing this journey alone, but the love I already felt for my child outweighed any doubts or fears.

As the doctor reassured me of my baby's health, I reached for my phone, capturing the precious moment on the ultrasound screen. This was a memory I would cherish forever. Despite the initial fear and uncertainty, I knew deep in my heart that I was ready to embrace motherhood with all its challenges and joys. My baby would be my whole world, and nothing else mattered.

After the doctor wraps up the procedure, I sit up, trying to steady my nerves. "Can I talk to the doctor alone? It's just, you know, lady business," I say, hoping my excuse is enough to get Joe out of the room.

"Sure, I'll leave you to it," Joe replies, clueless as ever, and exits, leaving me alone with the doctor.

"What is it?" the doctor asks, her tone professional but kind.

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