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One Week Later
May 30th; 2024
The Era's Tour - 
Madrid, Spain
Taylor Swift's Point of View
As I make my way towards the tunnel, the anticipation builds with each step. The stadium buzzes with the residual energy of the performance, but my focus is solely on where I know my dad and Joy await.

As I round the bend, there she is—my precious Joy—her vibrant smile lighting up the dimly lit corridor. Her boundless energy is evident in the way she fidgets and bounces on the spot, unable to contain her excitement.

"Mommy! Mommy!" her voice rings out, cutting through the surrounding din.

With a fond smile, I meet her gaze, my heart swelling with affection. Beside her stands my dad, his presence a steady anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

"Come here, Joy to the World," I call out, kneeling down to her level.

With a delighted squeal, Joy breaks free from my dad's grasp and races towards me, her laughter echoing off the walls. In an instant, she's enveloped in my embrace, her warmth and innocence a soothing balm to my soul.

Together, we share a moment of pure connection, the outside world fading into insignificance as we revel in the simple joy of being together. And as I hold her close, I am reminded once again of the profound privilege of motherhood and the boundless love that fills my heart.

As we begin to make our way through the tunnel, one of my dancers, Kam, catches up to me. Over the past year, I've grown close to all of my dancers, but there's always been a special bond with Kam. "Taylor, all the dancers are planning to hang out tomorrow and go out. You should come!" He extends the invitation, but I don't hesitate to decline.

"Thank you for the invite, but I have Miss Joy to take care of," I respond with a smile, gently booping Joy's nose, eliciting a giggle from her.

"There are plenty of people who would be willing to watch her for a few hours," Kam persists, trying to provide an opportunity for me to join them.

"Well, we already have tea time planned for tomorrow, and I can't let down the gang. You'd understand if you met everyone," I explain, realizing I might sound like a child.

"Yeah, Kam. Whiskerface, Fuzzykins, Waffles, and Squishy are all coming," Joy chimes in, referencing her beloved stuffed animals.

"Her stuffed animals. Are those the 'other people' coming to the tea party?" Kam's confusion is evident, tinged with a hint of judgment.

"Hey, don't discount Fuzzykins. He's a really cool dude," I defend, smiling at the thought of Joy's imaginative world.

"So, instead of going out, you're going to have a tea party with stuffed animals?" Kam's judgment intensifies, but I find myself caring less.

"I was even going to make cookies!" I retort, feeling the need to defend my plans.

"Okay, Josephine," Kam mutters under his breath, barely audible, but enough to catch my attention.

"Did you just call me Josephine?" I ask, confused by the sudden shift in tone.

"No?" Kam attempts to brush it off, but it's clear something's amiss.

"Joy, go see Papa. I'll be right there," I instruct, gently setting her down as she runs over to my dad. Turning back to Kam, I put my hands on my hips, staring at him expectantly.

"Don't get mad, but the dancers came up with a nickname for you," Kam begins cautiously, sensing my growing tension.

"What does it mean?" I sigh, bracing myself for whatever revelation is to come.

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