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The Next Day
May 31st, 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
The oven's persistent beeping pulls me away from a social medial spiral of memes I was engrossed in, signaling that the baking is complete. With a sigh, I make my way over to the kitchen, eager to see the fruits of my labor. Pressing the cancel button, I silence the insistent beeping and swing open the oven door, revealing a sight that never fails to bring a smile to my face - a tray of perfectly golden chocolate chip cookies, their sweet aroma filling the air like a warm embrace.

Quickly slipping on an oven mitt to shield my hands from the heat, I carefully lift the tray out of the oven, setting it down on the stove with a satisfying clink. The cookies look divine, their edges crisped to perfection and chocolate chips melting into gooey pools of deliciousness.

But before I can fully revel in my baking success, I hear a familiar voice behind me. "Cookies! Give me!" Joy's excited shout cuts through the air, her enthusiasm infectious as always.

Chuckling, I turn to face her, holding up a hand to ward her off. "Not yet, Cookie Monster," I tease, knowing full well that she can't resist a freshly baked treat. "They're piping hot right now. You'll burn your mouth if you're not careful."

Joy's disappointment is palpable, but it's quickly replaced by curiosity. "Are they for afternoon tea time?" she asks, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"Of course," I reply with a smile, checking the time on my watch. It's almost 3:30, the perfect time for our afternoon tea tradition. After dating Joe for two years, I became well-versed in the art of tea time. And when Joy found out, she insisted that we do it the "proper" way. Of course, with Joy being four years old and having her own unique tastes, I've had to make a few adjustments to the menu. But seeing her excitement makes it all worthwhile. "Now, go get dressed and make sure the table is set," I instruct her with a smile.

"Okay, Mommy!" Joy dashes off to her room to change into her tea time outfit, her energy infectious. I take a moment to appreciate the simple joy of these moments, dressed in my pink sundress, with matching bows in our hair. Tea time with Joy has become one of my favorite activities, filled with warmth, laughter, and the sweetest memories. 

After Joy dashes off to her room to change, I decide to take a momentary break. As I lie down on the couch and rest my head on a throw pillow, a wave of fatigue washes over me, accompanied by a stifled yawn. Despite knowing I have more important things to do, the comfort of the couch tempts me to close my eyes until Joy returns.

When I next open my eyes, darkness has descended, and I find myself covered with Joy's kitten blanket, a plush toy nestled in my arms. Shocked, I leap off the couch, calling out for Joy in a panic.

Running to her room like a madman, I find her calmly playing with her stuffed kitten, seemingly unperturbed by my sudden alarm. "You fell asleep," she says simply, her giggle adding a touch of innocence to the situation.

As Joy's words sink in, I can't help but feel a mixture of relief and guilt wash over me. Her gentle demeanor and thoughtful actions tug at my heartstrings, leaving me simultaneously grateful for her kindness and remorseful for having slept through our planned tea time.

"I know. I'm so sorry," I murmur, the words heavy with sincerity as I glance apologetically at Joy.

Her response is a soft smile, radiating warmth and understanding. "You were sleepy. I didn't want to disturb your nap time," she explains in her sweet, childlike voice, her words filled with innocence and sincerity. "I don't like being woken up from naps, so I tucked you in. I made sure you had Whiskerface to protect you."

Her mention of Whiskerface, her beloved feline toy, brings a soft chuckle to my lips despite the lingering guilt. Joy's thoughtful gesture is a testament to her caring nature, and I find myself overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude towards her.

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