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Two Weeks Later
September 16th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Travis and I lie in bed, the early morning light filtering through the curtains. With Travis shirtless beside me, I find myself tracing the contours of his abs, marveling at every curve and line of his upper body.

"Do you like what you see?" Travis chuckles, his arm wrapping around me.

"I do," I reply with a smile, my fingers lingering over his skin. But then, something catches my attention – a light brown patch of skin nestled amongst the smooth expanse of his torso. I gently touch the marking, drawing Travis's gaze.

"That's just a birthmark, nothing to worry about," he reassures me, but it's not the birthmark itself that throws me.

"It's not that," I say quickly.

"Oh, so you have no care for my well-being?" he teases with a playful smile.

"Oh shut up," I roll my eyes playfully, but my attention remains fixed on the mark. "This is going to sound strange," I start, "but Joy... she has a birthmark exactly like that, in the exact same spot."

Travis's smile falters slightly. "I thought we agreed to keep Joy out of things when we're..." he trails off, searching for the right word, "canoodling." Travis says, a hint of tension in his voice. We had decided to keep our conversations focused on us, at least for the time being, but it's difficult when Joy's presence looms large in my life.

"Travis, what are we?" I inquire, the question lingering in the air.

"Oh god, this conversation," he sighs, a hint of reluctance in his tone.

"I'm serious!" I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. "It's been about a couple weeks and a couple months of cat and mouse. We haven't had the talk. Are we dating? Is this just fun and games?"

"I'd love to be your boyfriend, Taylor," Travis declares, his words bringing a smile to my face, a long-awaited affirmation.

"Really?" I ask eagerly, seeking reassurance.

"But if I'm going to be your boyfriend..." Travis begins to trail off, a hint of uncertainty creeping into his voice, sparking my worry. I had always vowed to keep love out of my life since having Joy, and now I'm breaking that promise.

"Are you sure we need to do that?" I deflect, trying to gauge his readiness, hoping to stall my own apprehensions.

"We don't need to do it now but eventually..." he replies casually, as if it's a simple matter.

"She's my entire world, Travis. I'd die for her, and she means everything to me." I explain, my protective instincts kicking in. My life has always been under a microscope and she's never seen me date anyone.

"You're on break from the tour," he suggests, his gaze hopeful. "What if you and Joy came to stay for a couple of weeks? We could all get to know each other better."

Hasty. That's the word that comes to mind. I want Joy to feel secure, to have a sense of normalcy in her life. Throwing her into this situation feels reckless.

"Isn't this a little fast?" I counter, hoping he understands. "Joy needs stability, and I can't just uproot her life."

"Is it trust?" he asks, his voice gentle. "Because if it is, I get it completely."

I shake my head. "It's not that I don't trust you," I stammer, searching for the right words.

"Three days then," he cuts in, a playful glint in his eyes. "You've stayed over before, right?"

"But that was different," I protest. "We were just friends then."

"So how about this," he continues, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "We break up for three days?"

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