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One Month Later
July 27th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Ugh, okay, so much for the whole "crush-on-Travis-was-a-fluke" thing. Here I am, a gaping hole where my heart used to be, still aching for that spark whenever I think about him. I've thrown everything I can at these feelings: radio silence with Travis, a deep dive into Joy's already impressive collection of hobbies (who knew rock collecting could be so calming?), even a newfound scrapbooking obsession. Nothing seems to work.

But hey, today is not the day for Travis woes. Today is Joy's fifth birthday! She's practically vibrating with excitement, convinced that turning five officially makes her a grown-up. The whole gang is coming over – friends, family, the whole shebang. Joy's been counting down the days like a maniac, and there's no way I'm letting a rogue crush dim her sunshine.

The sizzle of bacon mingles with the sweet scent of chocolate as I maneuver a pancake dotted with rainbow sprinkles. I decided to make her favorite pancakes for her birthday. Flipping the pancake with a practiced flick of my wrist, I toss some bacon onto the sizzling expanse of a nearby pan.

"Can I open my gifts?!" Joy practically vibrates next to me, bouncing on the balls of her tiny feet. The question is practically a mantra these past few days, delivered with a boundless energy that's both adorable and slightly terrifying.

"After breakfast, sweetheart," I reply, a smile spreading across my face at her infectious enthusiasm. There's nothing quite like seeing the world through the eyes of a five-year-old on their birthday. My daughter's happiness will always fill me with a warmth that no amount of boy drama can touch. It's a feeling that transcends everything, a reminder of the pure, unadulterated joy that life can hold.

Following breakfast, a whirlwind of colorful wrapping presents is ready to be torn open in the living room. Joy squeals with delight as goes open a present, each one perfectly coordinated except for one.

"Which I open first?" Joy asks, her eyes wide with innocent curiosity.

I scan the gifts, settling on a heavier, ornately wrapped box. "Why not open this one?" I suggest, placing it gently in her hands.

With the practiced efficiency of a birthday veteran, Joy tears through the paper, gasping in delight as she reveals the contents. "A tea set!" she exclaims, her eyes sparkling. "It's a big girl tea set!"

"That's right," I reply, a secret smile playing on my lips. "A very special tea set for a very special big girl." I may not be able to control my lingering feelings for Travis, but at least I can ensure Joy has a birthday she'll never forget. Besides, I wasn't taking any chances. Two identical tea sets now resided in my pantry – a testament to my paranoia and a guarantee against chipped cups or broken saucers. You can never be too prepared, right?

The doorbell rings, jolting me out of my momentary self-satisfaction. "That must be the first of the guests," I announce, ushering Joy to put down the tea set (carefully, of course). With a final, lingering glance at the beautiful porcelain, I head for the door, a practiced smile plastered on my face.

Opening the door, I'm met with a sight that throws my carefully constructed facade into disarray. There stands Travis, a sheepish grin on his face and a brightly wrapped package in his hand. For a moment, I can only stare, the knot of apprehension in my stomach morphing into something entirely different.

The slam of the door echoes through the house, probably startling everyone inside. My heart thumps like a frantic drum solo in my chest, a million thoughts ricocheting through my head.

"Who is it, Mommy?" Joy's curious voice peeks through the doorway.

Taking a shaky breath, I plaster a smile on my face. "It's no one, sweetheart. Mommy just needs to... figure something out."

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