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Four Months Later
July 27th; 2019
Taylor Swift's Point of View
As I stand by the counter, a familiar ache creeps up my back, causing me to reflexively grip onto the countertop. A soft groan escapes my lips, signaling the onset of yet another contraction. It's been a few days since I noticed the loss of my mucus plug, a clear indication that labor would soon follow. However, I hadn't anticipated it to begin four days later.

Since yesterday, I've been in the early stages of labor, each passing hour marked by the rhythmic ebb and flow of contractions. The baby's movements, once lively and constant, have gradually slowed, replaced by a sense of stillness that adds to the weight of anticipation in the room. With each passing moment, the pressure in my pelvis intensifies, a constant reminder of the impending arrival of my little one.

Despite the discomfort and uncertainty, there's an undeniable sense of excitement tinged with nervousness as I prepare to welcome my child into the world. And as I brace myself for the next wave of pain, I find solace in the knowledge that soon, I'll be holding my baby in my arms.

Sensing my distress, my mom rushes to my side, her voice laced with concern as she gently guides me to the couch. "Honey, you should lie down," she urges, her touch a comforting presence amidst the chaos of my body's rebellion. Her unwavering support throughout my pregnancy has been a lifeline, especially during these final, grueling days.

But even as I sink into the soft cushions, exhaustion threatens to consume me, my body weary from the relentless onslaught of contractions that have plagued me since yesterday. "I'm already exhausted," I admit wearily, the weight of sleepless nights and relentless discomfort bearing down on me like a heavy shroud.

"I know you are. I've been there," my mom reassures me, her hand moving in soothing circles along my aching back as I lean into her embrace. With a sigh, I voice the longing that has consumed me for weeks. "I'm so excited to be done with this," I confess, my hands instinctively seeking solace in the comforting swell of my bulging stomach.

Her eyes sparkle with anticipation as she shares in my excitement. "Me too. I want to meet my grandbaby," she admits, her hand resting atop mine in a gesture of shared anticipation. "What are you naming him/her?"

A mischievous smile tugs at my lips as I playfully deflect her question. "You know I'm keeping that a secret! You'll find out soon!" I tease, momentarily distracted from the relentless onslaught of pain that threatens to consume me.

But as another cramping sensation grips me, my resolve wavers, and I find myself gasping for breath as I struggle to endure the mounting agony. "Your contractions are getting closer together and are pretty regular," my mom observes, her voice calm and steady despite the urgency in her words. "You're clearly in active labor. We might want to go to the hospital soon, hon."

Summoning every ounce of strength within me, I steel myself against the pain and muster the courage to ask the question that weighs heavily on my mind. "Where are they at?" I inquire, my voice strained as I attempt to focus through the haze of discomfort.

"For the last hour you've been having contractions that are a little over four minutes apart and last about a minute. You seem to be in a good deal of pain," my mom explains gently, her voice laced with concern as she assesses my condition.

"Are you sure I can't stay longer?" Panic threatens to overtake me as I plead with her, a surge of fear gripping my heart at the realization that the moment we've been waiting for is finally here.

"Come on, I'll be with you the entire time." With her reassuring words, my mom offers me the strength I need to push past my doubts. With her support, I rise from the couch, my body protesting with each movement, but my determination outweighing the pain.

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