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Three Weeks Later
June 19th; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
The clatter of the knife hitting the cutting board blends with Travis' voice coming through the phone propped precariously against the oil canister. Across the room, the glow of the TV flickers as Joy giggles at some cartoon antics.

A comfortable silence settles between Travis and me for a moment, broken only by the rhythmic chopping of the vegetables. It's these in-between moments that feel most precious. Here I am, mid-dinner prep, and yet, it feels like we could talk for hours.

These past couple weeks with Travis have been a revelation. He's a breath of fresh air after being stuck in the same routine for so long.  The way we met might have been strange, but honestly, at this point, I don't even care. There's a connection, a spark, and that's all that matters.

The problem is, we're both swamped. Scheduling a proper catch-up feels like wrangling cats. But I make the effort. Because for the first time in a while, I'm realizing how much I rely on Joy for social interaction. It's great, don't get me wrong, but maybe, just maybe, it's time to expand my social circle beyond a four year old. To build new friendships, like this one with Travis.

Travis's voice cuts through the phone speaker, shattering the peaceful rhythm of chopping. "Alright," he announces, a hint of challenge in his tone, "would you rather be married to your career or your soulmate?"

I quirk an eyebrow, momentarily distracted from dicing the onions. "Hmm," I drawl, buying myself some time. "Honestly? Men tend to complicate things," I finally say with a pointed look at the phone. "Career it is. Low maintenance, you know?" I add with a wink, hoping it translates through the speaker. "What about you?"

"Ugh, no way!" Travis groans playfully. "Give me the fireworks any day! I want to find that girl who makes my chest feel like a rave!" He lets out a dramatic sigh, clearly picturing this mythical soulmate.

I can't help but chuckle. "Well, guess I'm just not that romantic then, huh?" I tease, a smile tugging at my lips.

Just then, Travis throws another curveball. "Alright, new question!" he declares. "Would you rather have knives or dildos as fingers?"

My laughter explodes, sputtering out between shocked giggles. "Neither! Travis!" I exclaim, wiping a stray tear from my eye. "Seriously, what is wrong with you today?!" Despite myself, a grin spreads across my face. This guy, with his wild questions and goofy energy, is definitely keeping things interesting.

"Knives, definitely," Travis replies, a smug note entering his voice. "Imagine the fear factor on the football field!"

Shaking my head with a laugh, I roll my eyes. "For pure practicality, though," I counter, dragging out the word for emphasis, "I'll take the...dildos, I guess."

The laughter bubbles up again, and I can't help but add a playful eye roll for good measure. "Wait, what?" Travis sputters, clearly confused. "How is that even practical?"

I shrug, the humor dancing in my voice. "Well, at least I wouldn't be stabbing or breaking anything, right? Plus, gloves are always an option." A mischievous glint enters my eye. "Besides, who says a little pleasure can't be practical?"

Travis lets out a comical sound with a smirk practically dripping through the screen. "Alright, nah," he concedes, amusement lacing his voice. I can't help but let out a relieved chuckle, the playful tension dissipating slightly. The conversation has definitely taken a...unique turn.

Taking a deep breath, I decide to shift gears. "So," I begin, choosing my words carefully, "we've been talking for a couple now, and it's been...great. But, well," I hedge, a touch of shyness creeping into my voice, "we haven't actually met in person yet."

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