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Five years later
May 24th; 2024
The Era's Tour - Lisbon, Portugal
Taylor Swift's Point of View
As the song draws to a close, I gracefully take a bow alongside my dancers, our movements perfectly synchronized. With a wave to the cheering crowd, I make my way back, a smile playing on my lips as I savor the final moments of the performance.

After descending in the lift, I'm handed a bottle of water, which I eagerly gulp down. Exhaustion threatens to consume me, but in this moment, it's all worth it. The adrenaline rush of the performance, the applause of the audience – it's what I live for. Actually, there's one thing that surpasses even that.

After exiting the platform, I make my way to the dressing room, taking off my stage attire for something more comfortable. As I search for the exit, I spot them: my dad holding Joy's tiny hands as she stands before him.

"Mommy!" Joy's voice rings out, and my heart swells.

"Joy to the World!" I call out, opening my arms wide. Joy dashes towards me, and I scoop her up, spinning her around in a joyful embrace. After a three-and-a-half-hour show, this moment – reuniting with my precious daughter – is the highlight of my day.

"Did you see me? Did you see me, Mommy?" She asks excitedly.

"I did! You were up on papa's shoulders! I saw that big smile of yours when I played Lover." Joy wraps her legs around my waist, and I place my hand behind her back as we walk through the tunnel..

"I got more bracelets!" Joy's voice is filled with excitement as she shows me her wrists adorned with colorful bands, tokens of affection from my fans.

"They're beautiful, just like you!" I can't help but marvel at the bracelets, though a small part of me worries about the attention my fans lavish on her. But for now, I push those thoughts aside, focusing on her happiness above all else.

"Look! Happy Birthday!" She shows me a bracelet dangling from her wrist that says happy birthday.

"They must know that you're almost five!" I exclaim excitedly.

As we settle into the golf cart, my personal assistant delivers some unexpected news. We can't leave tonight because of issues with the jet.

"What's wrong with the plane?" I inquire, a flicker of concern crossing my features. The safety of Joy is my top priority, and I won't risk putting her in any danger.

"Some mechanical error. I've booked you and Joy into a nearby hotel, five stars and a good record. You should be safe there," Erica reassures me, though I can sense the tension in her voice.

"Okay, thank you, Erica." I sigh, holding Joy close to me as I prepare to break the news to her. "Joy, sweetheart, how do you feel about one more night here in Portugal?"

"No, I want to go home, Mommy. I miss the kitties," Joy protests, her lower lip trembling with the threat of tears.

"We'll leave first thing tomorrow, I promise," I assure her, though her persistence tugs at my heartstrings.

"No, Mommy," she insists, her voice wavering with emotion.

I sigh, knowing I have to find a way to make this situation better for her. "What if we get ice cream at the hotel? We can cuddle up and watch 'Bluey' together."

"Bluey?" Joy's eyes light up with excitement. It's her favorite cartoon, a source of endless joy and laughter for both of us.

"Yeah! We'll watch 'Bluey' and eat ice cream in bed, just like a sleepover," I suggest, hoping to lift her spirits.

"In bed?!" Joy's excitement is palpable, and I can't help but chuckle at her enthusiasm.

"Mhm," I confirm, feeling a warmth spread through me at the thought of spending this unexpected night with my daughter.

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