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One Month Later
August 22nd; 2024
Taylor Swift's Point of View
Football? Never really been my thing. But then I met Travis, and suddenly I'm learning about coverages and blitzes. He even invited me and my family to a game. Joy practically begged me to come along. I knew the game wouldn't exactly be her jam, but let's be honest, this "invitation" was really about her getting a chance to see Mr. Travis in action.

Remember those cute little crayon drawings? Turns out, they weren't just random masterpieces – she's been sending them in the mail to Travis practically every day. And guess what? He writes back, in crayon. It's the most adorable pen pal exchange ever. They've even started coming up with these hilarious nicknames for each other. Joy calls him "Sir. Scribbles" and apparently, he's dubbed her "Doodle Doo." Honestly, this whole thing is melting my heart. Who knew football players could be so darn cute?

I steal a glance at Joy, curled up on the plush couch in the suite. Her tongue sticks out in concentration as she colors a picture in her latest masterpiece for "Sir. Scribbles." The bright Crayola colors are a stark contrast to the sleek, modern interior of the suite, but somehow, it just works.

Down on the field, Travis is a whirlwind. One second he's a speck on the far side, the next he's a blur charging towards the end zone. I can barely follow him, but the eruption of cheers every time he's involved lets me know he's making magic happen.

Joy beside me lets out a happy sigh, holding up her latest masterpiece. A huge grin stretches across her face as she shows me a picture we drew earlier. It's the three of us, me, Travis, and Joy, all sporting giant, hilariously lopsided football helmets courtesy of her artistic license.

A warmth spreads through me, a feeling completely unexpected. This entire football world was a complete mystery to me before, but watching Travis play with Joy by his side, even if it's just through her drawings, makes it all worth it.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement on the field catches my eye. There, tucked away on the sideline, is Travis, looking straight up at our window. Our eyes lock for a fleeting moment, and then a slow, teasing grin spreads across his face.

My heart stumbles. Sure, the rumors about us dating have been swirling for weeks, and we've had to clear the air a million times. We're just friends, right? But then there's everyone constantly scrutinizing my non-existent love life, and let's be honest, being here with Travis isn't exactly helping silence the whispers.

Mom's a lifesaver with Joy right now since I'm completely head over heels in love with Travis. I can't tear my eyes away from him, even if it fuels the rumor mill for the hundredth time. Sure, we're just friends, or so I keep telling everyone (and myself). But with Travis flashing that heart-stopping grin from across the field, a different kind of spark ignites in my gut.

"Taylor?" Mom's voice cuts through my trance, shattering the image of Travis weaving through defenders. I blink a couple of times, feeling caught red-handed.

"Oh, uh, sorry. What is it?" I ask, cheeks warming under her knowing gaze.

"Honey, I've said your name like ten times," she says, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Sorry, I was just really focused on the game," I stammer, the excuse sounding lame even to my own ears.

"It's a timeout," Mom replies with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh," I mumble, sinking a little deeper into my seat.

"Hon, you are more smitten than a kitten with a ball of yarn," she says with a playful giggle.

I groan, burying my face in my hands. "I know, it's so bad," I sigh, the heat creeping up my neck.

"The only person stopping you is yourself," Mom says gently, her voice laced with a hint of understanding.

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