💰He's Willing To Pay Freedom's High Price For His Family🧑🏻‍👩🏾‍🧒🏼

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Jon something land on his shoulder during the funeral of his brothers of the Watch who had died during the war against Mance's Wildling's he turns his head and sees a falcon with a familiar shine in his/her eyes and smiles sadly he could have sworn he heard the woman he loves voice whisper in her normal nectarous tone "don't trust her!"  when his eyes meet Melisandre's from across the fire he also found out the same way that the Falcon on his shoulder's name is Jeor after the former Lord Commander he was once a Steward to it was rather easy for him to tell Tormund that Ygritte was already burned and how but he lied and said that one of the Thenn did it which angered Tormund it was after he had told him about Ygritte that Jon had left him in his cell.... Lysithea returns to Castle Black a few days later with Fenix and Ghost at her side many of the men were happy to see her well him for she is still pretending to be Einar Snær Jon who was training with Ollie has yet to notice her as she walks over to where Gilly, Sam, Inkeri and baby Sam are and with Gilly's permission she picks up and holds baby Sam once Ollie falls on his back his eyes lock with Lysithea's and he says with a smile "hey Snær welcome home"  Jon turns with a shocked expression on his face he becomes aroused as well as sad when he sees the woman he loves in all her manly glory holding baby Sam in her arms "I'm starting to think you should have distracted him BEFORE you landed on the ground"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice Ollie laughs then says "yeah I should have!"  the guys around them laugh Slynt and Alliser walk into the yard "where have you been Snær!?!"  Alliser asks "I got lost Ser"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice "lost!?!"  Alliser asks "yes Ser, I went in search for stragglers and forgot to take Fenix with me and I got lost on my way back"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice the guys around her chuckle Alliser rolls his eyes but says nothing and he and and Slynt continue walking "that one hates me"  Gilly says looking at Alliser "that one hates everybody and everybody hates him"  Lysithea replies in her baritone male voice Sam chuckles then says "this is true, if Ser Alliser is chosen as the new Lord Commander, he hates the Wildlings all the Wildlings"  Gilly says "don't let them send us away"  Sam replies "it's not a sure thing Ser Denys Mallister has commanded the Shadow Tower for 20 years, and people say he's a good man he's running against Ser Alliser--"  Gilly says "Sam, don't let them send us away"  Sam replies "I told you wherever you go I go too"  Gilly says "you can't leave they'll execute you"  Sam opens his mouth to speak but stops when Lysithea says in her baritone male voice "don't use me as an example I'll be paying for it later or at least he'll TRY to make me pay for it later"  Sam smiles "I hear we have guests"  Lysithea says in her baritone male voice "Stannis, Selyse, Shireen Baratheon, Davos Seaworth and Melisandre"  Sam replies nodding at the woman walking towards Jon and when Jon's attention is brought to the redheaded witch she says "the king wants a word"  then walks away and Jon follows her as he walks he hears Lysithea say to Gilly in her baritone male voice "I think he's hungry"  Gilly hands her baby Sam's bottle and Lysithea feeds the baby in her arms and Jon once again becomes aroused and sad at the sight he's becomes aroused because he can now imagine her as a mother and sad because she may never become one because she's loyal to him and won't take another man even if he begged her to which he never will for he still loves her to and doesn't even want to imagine her with anyone else....



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