Issue 1:

94 4 1

In the present inside the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny was tilting the picture of her and her dad next to the door as she gave a smile to it.

"Nothing new to report, Dad." Sunny said to the picture of her father. "But not every week can be as beautiful as reuniting the Unity Crystals and restoring magic to all ponykind." She said to the photo as she felt close to her father as she gave out the lessons she's been learning. "And to top it all, it's nice to have a Guaridan of Friendship to look after me and my friends. Sunset has been a good mentor and sister figure to me ever since she came into our lives. And she's been teaching me and the others more about friendship and some more stories about Twilight and her friends, and been teaching me and Izzy more about magic since she's the only known unicorn who knows magic." She said with a smile, ever since Sunset came into their lives, things have been quite interesting even more so since having a Guardian of Friendship by her side really feels like a dream come true and to know more about friendship and the magic. "Do you think Twilight would be proud of me?" Sunny asks her father with a smile, she would know that her father would say that Twilight would be proud of her for bringing back the magic and bringing the ponies together again and knowing that Sunset is there for them.

And then from out of nowhere, Pipp came zooming by and placed a hoof over Sunny, bringing her into a side hug as she answered with a smile. "Of course she would be!" Pipp answered Sunny's question with a smile as she turned to a certain Alicorn. "Isn't that right, Sunset?" She asked Sunset who was walking towards them with a smile.

Sunset chuckled a bit before she answered Pipp's question. "I believe you're right, Pipp." She answered before turning to Sunny. "Knowing Twilight, she would be proud of how much you accomplish in bringing back the magic and reuniting the three pony tribes, Sunny." She added with a smile as she knew that Twilight would be proud of Sunny for rebuilding her legacy and bringing back the magic of friendship. "I am also proud of you for bringing back the magic and the friendship Twilight worked hard to create." She finished with a proud smile, happy that the magic of equestria has returned and the three tribes are together again.

"Thanks, guys. That means a lot to me." Sunny replied with a smile of joy to two of her best friends.

Pipp then took out her phone as she smiled at the proud comments her Pippsqueaks are posting on livestream. "And the Pippsqueaks even agree. Say hi!" Pipp added with a smile to Sunny as she smiled at her livestream as Sunny smiled at Pipp's livestreaming to her Pippsqueaks.

Sunny and Sunset both chuckled at Pipp's love of her Pippsqueaks as they walked out the door, where Zipp is waiting for them in the air.

"If you're done livestreaming, we've got a game of flyball to play!" Zipp called out to her friends as she set her board diagram down as Sunset, Sunny and Pipp looked at the rules she wrote down as Sunny activated her Alicorn form so that she could take flight to play. "The rules are simple. Get the ball in the net five times, and you win. But there's tons of strategy to this game as well." She explained to them how the game works.

And then Izzy suddenly came from behind the board as she gave a cheerful smile at her friends. "Ooh, are we playing a game? Is this a pie-eating contest? A cake-eating contest? A cookie-eating contest?" She asks her friends many questions about if it's an eating contest. Before Sunny could answer, Izzy came and covered Sunny's mouth as she continued. "No need to twist my hoof, I'm in! Point me on the field." She said, meaning that she will join the game.

Sunny, Sunset and the others looked at her nervously as Sunset answered. "Izzy, it's not an eating contest if that's what you are wondering. And I don't think you can play this game." Sunset tries to explain it to her calmly to Izzy.

Sunny continued for Sunset. "Because, it's up near that cloud over there..." She pointed to the nearby cloud in the sky, since Zipp and Pipp are Pegasus and Sunny and Sunset are Alicorns, they can fly into the sky to play the game, but Izzy's a unicorn, so she can't fly or play with them.

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