Issue 3:

26 3 1

Back at the Lighthouse, a few days later, the Mane 6 regroup back home in Maretime Bay after that tricked Discord pulled back in the ruins of Canterlot and took the Pegasus Crystal away to find a way to get past the protection spell to destroy it to be rid of all magic forever.

The Mane 6 are in the living room to think of a way to track down Discord and get the crystal back. But that’s easier said than done, consider Discord is the Lord of Chaos and can practically hide anywhere.

“How are we going to stop Discord in time if we don’t know where he could be?” Sunny asks the group, wondering what they should do and how to find Discord.

“I cloud ask my Pippsqueaks if they’ve seen him.” Pipp said with a smile, glad to have her phone recharge and a suggestion to let her Pippsqueaks know about Discord and if they’ve seen him.

“No, Pipp. We can’t let your Pippsqueaks know.” Sunset replied to Pipp’s idea. “Who would believe us if we tell them a certain Lord of Chaos from ancient Equestrian History is back and has taken the Pegasus Crystal and is gonna destroy it. They would either not believe us or it might cause an even more panic even more than it already is from your last livestream.” She said, while reminding that the last livestream Pipp posted caused a panic in Maretime Bay before they left and calm the public down when they got back, while also adding that since it took forever for everypony to believe Sunset is from ancient Equestria, it will be even tougher to tell them about Discord, since he’s from ancient Equestria as well, and they don’t have time for either.

“Sunset’s right, guys.” Zipp said, agreeing with Sunset’s words. “We don’t want to panic everypony. There’s gotta be a better way.” She said, trying to think of another way to handle this outcome.

“It’s tricky. Discord is the Lord of Chaos and can easily hide anywhere in Equestria.” Sunset started out, remembering the history of Discord from Celestia and from what Twilight told her about him. “But after what we saw, being alone in the caverns and the ruins of Canterlot for an awfully long time may have Discord a little rusty in his magic when all of the magic has disappeared before.” She added, stating that since the magic in Equestria has faded before, Discord may be rusty to use his chaos magic when all of magic has returned during his time in Canterlot when he was alone. “But even still, with the new layouts of the Equestra today, it’s gonna be tough to find Discord. He must’ve spent centuries in the caverns and possibly been watching Equestria changes over the years. He could be anywhere.” She finished, that since Discord had been around longest in the new age of Equestria while in hiding, he might have known the new layouts of Equestria of today. Which makes it easy for him to hide himself.

Izzy then spoke up with sparkle eyes and a rainbow at the back of her head. “Too bad we can’t track his luminescence. It was totally glitterific. Like a super shiny rainbow.” She said in excitement while also loving the glitter part, but also stating when they saw Discord use his magic, some luminescence was left beind as a result.

Zipp then placed a hoof on her chin as she thought of what Izzy just said. “True, but you might be onto something, Izzy.” She said as Izzy might have given them an idea. “We can try---” She was cut off when her phone started to ring. Zipp brought out her phone and see’s the contact name that her mother was calling. “Mom?” She asks when she answers the call.

“Zipp, sweetheart, where are you? It’s almost time for me to leave.” Queen Haven answered through the phone, asking Zipp where she was since she’s about to leave soon.

“Leave?” Zipp questioned, wondering what her mother was talking about.

In Zephyr Heights Castle, Queen Haven is doing her mane while talking to her daughter on speaker from her phone.

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