Issue 2:

47 3 3

A while later, Zipp, Sunny and Pipp are still searching for the Crystal Thief in the skys. Pipp is beginning to grow tired while Zipp and Sunny are not, but Zipp is starting to grow bored from all this searching.

“I spy, with my pony eye…Another leafy tree.” Zipp said, while passing the borning time by playing ‘I Spy’.

Sunny picks up a leaf as she inspects it. “Ooh, they’re already beginning to shed. That’s going to increase the effectiveness of pollination and help them flower.” She explains the circle of plant growth that the leaves will do once they start to shed.

“If I fall right now, it’s not because of my magic glitched out. It’s because you’re putting me to sleep.” Pipp said tiredly to the two ponies, that all this searching and boredom is really putting Pipp energy down as she yawns.

“The trees are way too thick for the Crystal Thief to have gotten this far away.” Zipp pointed out that no way the thief would have gotten that far with the trees too thick like this.

Sunny then thinks of a plan. “We should regroup with the others. See if they found anything.” She suggested to see if the others have any better luck. The three ponies flew back to the spot where they spread out, while they flew, they saw Hitch and Cloudpuff in front of the cave.

“Down here!” Hitch called out to them from the ground.

“Hitch!” Sunny called out to her childhood friend as she, Zipp and Pipp flew down and landed on the ground. “Where’s Izzy and Sunset?” She asks that two of their friends are not here.

“I’ve been calling out to them. They should be here soon.” Hitch answered Sunny that he’s been calling to them for a while and might have guessed they heard him and might be on their way.

Zipp then notices Cloudpuff is pointing to the cave. “What’s got into you, bud?” She asks, wondering what is wrong with Cloudpuff.

Hitch answered as he got close to the cave. “As soon as you left, Cloudpuff raced off. I thought he was running towards something but turns out he was running away…” He then moved the vines as he showed the group. “...From this!” He finished as he and the others looked at what’s inside the cave. It was the Canterlot gates that were open, as Sunny gasps in shock while Pipp is disgusted from the mud in the cave while Zipp looks at the gate. “The door’s open. Bet we’ll find the Crystal Thief through here! How’s that for detective work?” He said while asking the last question to Zipp about her detective thing but ignored it as she looked at the gate.

Sunny looked at the gates in amazement as she covered her mouth with her hooves and she got sparkles in her eyes. “The sacred Gates of The Anicents!” She squeals in excitment as she grabs Hitch and shakes him like crazy, “My Dad used to read me stories. Back when Canterlot became home to the Royal Princesses, this gate was built to welcome travelers!” She continues to shake Hitch as she continues to speak. “Behind these gates is the most magical place on Earth! The very place Twilight Sparkle was coronated and became the Ruler of Equestria and was the home where Sunset Shimmer used to live… I’ve dreamed of coming here my whole life.” Sunny explains her life long dream of finding the place Twilight used to rule Equestria in as she stops shaking Hitch, who looks dizzy from all the shaking while Cloudpuff looks at them strangely. Sunny didn’t notice as she looked at the gate with a proud and exciting smile as a tear dropped from her eyes as they sparkled. “I made it Dad.” She said to herself, knowing that her Dad was right that she will find Canterlot one day.

Sunny and the other three ponies, and Cloudpuff, enter the gates as they see the ruins of Canterlot. Sunny look at Canterlot with excitments as the three ponies looked around while Cloudpuff sniffs the ground for any clues.

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