Issue 5:

14 2 0

It is a dark stormy night the five of the Mane 6, Sunset, Sunny, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp, are in their raincoats while looking for Discord to get the Pegasus Crystal back, Hitch is not with them since he will keep searching in Maretime Bay so they can cover more grounds, but they are in a rough storm at night while walking towards a lighthouse for shelter, while Pipp is recording on her phone, with a mini umbrella over it to keep it from getting soaked in the rain.

"Pippsqueaks, our search for Discord has brought us way out to the coast. If I don't check in soon or..." Pipp paused with a sheepish smile, not wanting to say the next part. "Heh. Anything weird happens, you know where to find me. I hope!" She said nervously on her phone to her followers.

Sunset then snatched Pipp's phone while giving the pegasus a look. "Pipp. You gotta give your live streaming thing a break. We are on a mission to find Discord and get the Pegasus Crystal back to keep magic alive. And we need to stay focused." She said while giving Pipp back her phone by putting it in her coat pocket.

"Yeah, Pipp." Zipp said to her sister, in total agreement with Sunset. "You might wanna add a PSA* for your followers." She suggested. "If you get a message inviting you to the scariest abandoned town you've ever seen for info on a missing draconequus... Say you're busy at night." She advises her sister, stating that they are following what the message that Pipp receive earlier for a clue about Discord said after revealing to everypony about how she felt when everypony learned Pipp can't fly, and Pipp thought it will be the best lead to find Discord after reading it when she told her friends.

"It's fine. C'mon, follow me." Pipp said with an assuring smile as she led her friends to the lighthouse the message led them to.

The girls made it to the lighthouse as they stopped at the front door. "Somepony needs to knock." Sunny suggested, not wanting to knock since they don't know if they are friendly or not.

"We don't know if they are friendly." Sunset pointed out, not trusting that sudden message Pipp received one bit.

"I'm freezing my flanks off." Izzy called out that it's cold out and the rain is making it colder. "Detective Zipp?" She asked Zipp to knock.

"I'm in observation mode." Zipp countered, wanting to see how it goes since this is suspicious. "Pipp? This was your idea." She said to her sister, seeing that this was Pipp's idea to come here, she would knock.

"For hoofness sake--" Pipp groans at her friends not wanting to knock, but before she would continued or knock on the door, the lighthouse door opened, startling the girls as a earth pony stallion, who doat is light blue while wearing glasses and a raincoat came in view.

"Well now!" The stallion called out sternly before showing a smile. "Come on inside. Take your boots off an' leave 'em in the dooryard." He said to them with a smile, inviting them inside and away from the storm.

Sometime later after coming into the lighthouse, the stallion gave the girls some hot chocolate as they sat in the living room with a fireplace in it to keep them warm with the stallion, now wearing a boat cap and scarf as his cutie mark is like a compass in the ocean. And inside the lighthouse, it has many boat theme decorations as Zipp looked around, suspicious about this guy and finding his place a little weird.

"Thanks for letting us in, mister." Sunset thanked the stallion as she sipped her hot chocolate.

"No problem, Ms. Shimmer." The stallion answered as he leaned next to his fireplace with a smile to the girls. "I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to haul hoof all the way here..." He said to them as the girls nodded their heads in 'yes', wanting to know why they were here. "Truth is, I don't know how anypony uses those gizmos. Took me ages to write that message to ya, Pipp." He revealed, saying that he's not good with technology yet and is one of Pipp's followers who has read her messages and videos about Discord as well.

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