Issue 4.

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In the Brighthouse bedroom, Pipp is on her phone while livestreaming to her Pippsqueaks to give them the news about Discord and the magic glitching with the Pegasus Crystal still missing.

“Goooood morning, everypony!” Pipp announced through her phone. “Today I’m trying something a little different.” She told them about something she will do differently for her Pippsqueaks .

In Zephyr Heights, Pipp’s live stream is on the screens of the giant TVs on the buildings as she speaks. “Instead of streaming, I’ve decided to write my next major life update.” She told her fans that she will write about her major life instead of live streaming this time.for now. “I know, I know! But this is the kind of update that calls for lots of selfies.” She explains her reason that she will write about her next major life since it’s about the pictures she got and wants to write all about it.

The ponies however, don't like Pipp’s idea. Sure they are her fans, but they like to see her live streams, not something that is supposed to be written about.

“Plus… It’s about Discord.” Pipp told her another reason so that the ponies can know about Discord without her going into details by livestream since the Lord of Chaos is hard to describe so seeing it by picture will save enough time. “Okay, love you, gotta go write! Pipp, Pipp, hooray!” She announced as she ended her live stream.

Pipp put her phone down as she went to her laptop to get to work. She opened up her gallery that she manage to take during her and her friends time with Discord when he first greeted himself, thanks to Discord’s magic, he politely charge her phone so she can take pictures of him and the caverns while also taking pictures of Canterlot on their way back to Maretime Bay.

‘Pippsqueaks, when I went flying with my friends, I had no idea it would lead to a journey that ended in Discord and a Unity Crystal…’ Pipp typed in what she thinks about their journey of the Unity Crystal and Discord as she typed like crazy at 9 in the morning.

‘...And that’s where we are now, searching for Discord before he destroys the crystal!’ Pipp continued typing all day as she hit nighttime at 7 p.m. Looking a little tired while being on her laptop all day, writing about what has happened and about Discord. ‘If anypony knows how to find him, we need your help! Thank you, love you, Pippsqueaks. Pipp, Pipp, hooray!’ She finished typing as she posted her story down as she walked off with a yawn to get something after being on her laptop all day.

Pipp returned two hours later with some hot coffee as the time on her clock next her shows 9:02 p.m. at night. Pipp checked her laptop and saw that it has 100,157 views, 99,398 hearts for lives, and 6,780 comments on it.

Pipp took a sip of her coffee as she checked her stats before making a facetime call to her mother, having a thought of something that she’s been thinking about.

In a room in the Zephyr Heights’ palace, Queen Have, with Cloudpuff next to her, have received the call from Pipp from her laptop as she answers it.

“My little filly! How are things in the Brighthouse?” Queen Haven asks after greeting her daughter.

“Great!” Pipp answered through the laptop. “Um, Mom? Can I ask you something?” She asks her mother.

“Of course.” Queen Haven answered as Cloudpuff tries to grab a makeup accessory on the mirror stool.

“Well, I’ve been thinking, maybe, about getting a little more real with the Pippsqueaks.” Pipp told her mother about something she wants to reveal to her Pippsqueaks, while Queen Haven is trying to get Cloudpuff to drop a makeup accessory in his mouth.

“No, that is not for pets!” Queen Haven scolded Cloudpuff, trying to get the accessory out of his mouth as she turned her attention back to Pipp. “Sorry, darling. ‘Real’ how?” She asks her daughter how real she means.

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