Issue 7:

14 3 0

It is a nice morning in Maretime Bay as the sun is shining and ponies are having a good time and ponies going on about their day, while magic is still going for now since Discord still has the Pegasus Crystal with him, as ponies are now having a calm time for now.

In the Police Station, Hitch is sleeping in his bed as he snored in his sleep. And then his alarm clock goes off as it rings and makes Hitch wake up as he stops his clock as he gives off a yawn.

Hitch got up as he smiled. "It's a beautiful morning." He said as he got out of bed and looked at his calendar. "And the first day of Autumn." He said with a smile as he checked the 8'th day of the month that says 'Harvest Day' on it. "Which means it's time for the Harvest Day Celebration!" He announced happily, seeing that he loves celebrations.

A little bit later, Hitch is in the shower as he washes his mane with some soap as he sings happily.

"Do you recall? The first day of fall? The leaves were changin' the minds of all, while chasin' the clouds away." Hitch sang happily while washing his mane.

A little bit after the shower, Hitch got his strap and badge on as he looked at Kenneth and his bird friend with a smile.

"As Sheriff of Maretime Bay, my duties of helping others bring me so much joy, but today I get to help others by helping them get their groove on." Hitch explained to the birds with a smile.

A moment after that, Hitch got a wheel cart stack with some crates and a box of dj discs records with McSnips watching from behind him.

"DJ Hitch is ready to get on the ones and twos." Hitch said happily as he stacked his dj music discs on top of the crake as a squirrel came to him while holding out Hitch's headphones to him with a smile. "Thank you!" He happily said as he grabbed his headphones and placed them around his neck as he got the cart strap on him. "I can't get hooves in the air without these." He added as he walked out the door with a smile. "This is going to be a blast." He added happily with a smile, and then somepony went past him as he twirls around. "WHAO!" He cried out in startled as his dj player discs flew off.

Hitch grabs his discs as quickly as he can so they won't break on the ground while catching one with his teeth as he puts them all back in the box as he sees the pony who rushed past him, and it was Sunny who was wearing her roller skating gear as she gave a happy smile.

"I am so excited!" Sunny cheered excitedly. "Can you believe today is the Harvest Day Celebration?" She asked Hitch happily, really loving this special day.

Hitch gave a small smile to Sunny, knowing how excited she gets when she loves special events. "Well, good morning to you too, Sunny." He said with a smile.

Sunny gave Hitch a sheepish smile after she realized what she just did in her excitement. "Whoops! Sorry, Hitch. I'm just really stirred up about today's activities for the celebration." She apologizes about her behavior. "Hayrides, straw bale mazes, scarepony-making contest, apple-pie-baking... Gosh, I could go on." She listed out the fun activities of the celebration with a smile.

"I can tell." Hitch said with a smile as he looked around and noticed one pony not with Sunny. "Hey, where's Sunset anyway? Usually she is with you sometimes." He pointed out, knowing how Sunset always is there for Sunny whenever she goes somewhere.

"Oh, I told Sunset about this holiday as she is helping some ponies across Maretime Bay setting up for the activities to start. So she will be busy for some time." Sunny explained, having told Sunset about Harvest's Day Celebration and is helping other ponies set up the activities. "Thank you again for agreeing to DJ." She said to Hitch with a smile.

"It's no problem at all." Hitch answered with a smile as he placed his disc box in the cart. "Helping others is my calling, especially my friends. Sunset seemed good doing it as well." He said, while adding how Sunset is helping right now with other ponies. "I can't wait to remind the good ponies of Maretime Bay how to feel the rhythm for the new season." He added, love doing that part really well.

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