Issue 8:

16 3 0

In Maretime Bay, it was a little messy, recently they had a pie festival with a sign that said 'Pie Festival' on it with streamers and some leftover pies all around the area with some balloons.

Sunset, Sunny and Izzy are walking through the aftermath of the festival as Izzy is looking a little down while Sunset and Sunny look at her in concern. The two ponies looked at each other, knowing they have to say something to Izzy to know what's wrong with her.

Sunset turned to Izzy as she spoke first. "Hey, Izzy, are you okay?" She asked the unicorn in concern.

"I'm fine, Sunset." Izzy said in a low tone, lost in thought.

Sunny then got in front of Izzy with a smile as she spoke next. "Sure was a fun festival, huh?" She asked cheerfully as she gave Izzy a boop to her muzzle.

Izzy now smiled as she stopped after the boop to her muzzle. "Huh? Oh, yeah!" She said, now cheerfully again. "It's so nice seeing everypony come together! There are so many kinds of sparkles between Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth Ponies..." She said, but then she gave the worried look again. "It's just a little hard to focus on everything with Discord still on the loose." She said in worried, having a hard time to get her mind off of Discord, who is still on the loose and still has the Pegasus Crystal.

Sunset and Sunny gave Izzy a comforting expression as Sunset got close to Izzy as she placed a comforting hoof on Izzy. "It's okay, Izzy. We're all worried that Discord is still on the loose and still has the Pegasus Crystal. But don't let it get to you, it's only a matter of time until we find him and get that crystal back." She assured Izzy with a smile.

"I know, but still, I just can't stop worrying." Izzy said, still having second thoughts.

"Hey, we get it..." Sunny said with a smile to Izzy. "And we'll find him. But I think I know what you need right now!" She said cheerfully to Izzy, knowing what Izzy needs to cheer her up.

"Oh?" Izzy asked with curiosity.

"What's that, Sunny?" Sunset asked, wanting to know as well as they continued walking.

Sometime later at the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunset, Sunny and Izzy are in the kitchen with Sunny setting up a blender and some materials for blending as she smiled at Izzy while Sunset smiled as well, now knowing what Sunny is getting at.

"Remember that smoothie we made together?" Sunny asked the two with a smile.

"Oh yeah!" Izzy cheered with a wide smile.

"How can we forget the..." Sunset started with playful rolled eyes with a smile as all three ponies said it together.

"THE DREAMY CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER STARBON!" All three ponies announced together, though Izzy and Sunny both cheered with wide smiles as they looked at each other while holding each other hooves while Sunset just announced normally as she just gave a smile at the two of how excited they can be together.

"That's the one." Sunset said with a chuckle, should've guessed that Sunny and Izzy would get this excited when they made their special smoothies together.

Sunny placed some ingredients down with a smile as she spoke to Izzy again. "We know things haven't been going well with Discord, Izzy, But... This is what the Unity Crystals are all about." She said with a smile.

"While magic is stable for now, we can still have fun together. And it's not about the artifacts that make friendship..." Sunset added with a smile.

"It's about all of us coming together." Sunny finished as she and Sunset gave Izzy a smile.

Izzy smiled at them, but then she placed her hoof on her chin as she was having a thought. 'That's right. I wanted so badly to connect with Sunny and Sunset...' She thought as she started to remember when everypony in Equestria used their magic when it returned in friendship and harmony as the Mane 6 were together, chatting and laughing with one another. 'Everypony was so happy when magic was restored to Equestria...Especially Sunny and Sunset.' She added, knowing how happy everypony is with magic restored and how happy both Sunny and Sunset are for making it happen, with Sunny finally fulfilling her and her father's dream and Sunset rebuilding Twilight's legacy and making Equestria back to the way it should be. 'Seeing all of us together was their dream come true, and it showed.' She stated, remembering when Sunny in her Alicorn form with Sunset beside her as they smiled and trotted around. 'Their sparkles were so bright. But I couldn't say the same thing about mine.' Izzy thought, giving a down expression while picturing Sunny and Sunset with a group of ponies crowding them as they walked off, with Izzy behind them as she trotted off to catch up with them. 'My sparkle couldn't keep up with both Sunny and Sunset." She said with a down expression, thinking that her sparkle isn't perfect like Sunny and Sunset.

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