Issue 6:

16 3 0

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny is looking at something as she begins to have a breakdown while sweating.

"The nights and days blend together in an endless vortex that I now think signals the end of time itself." Sunny said as she began to tear up. "I can't take it anymore!" She cried out as she flopped her head to the table, can't take much more of this as Sunset rubs Sunny's back to calm her down a bit.

As it turns out, the Mane 6 are looking at a computer monitor that has multiple cameras that showed the many rooms of the Canterlot Castle in Canterlot that the Mane 6 set up when they head back to Canterlot, thanks to Sunset's memory of the castle of all it's rooms and hallways and setting up a camera up in the caverns they were in, they got the whole castle wired so that they can find Discord. But most of them, mostly Pipp, Hitch, Sunset and obviously Sunny, are tired out from looking at the screens for so long.

"Calm down!" Zipp called out, not tired one bit, neither was Izzy as well, as she pointed to the monitor. "Since we can't figure out where Discord's going, the only way to find him is to go back to where he's already been." She pointed out that if they retrace Discord's steps on where he was already, they might have a way to find him, and Canterlot is the only place they last saw him as Zipp took a close eye at the screen. "We need to make sure we keep an eye on every inch of the castle. So if you need to blink, make sure it's a fast one." She said to Sunny, who is too tired from all the watch as she groans from Zipp's suggestions.

Izzy smiled while watching the screen as she crossed her eyes. "Ooh, if you cross your eyes, the colors miiix together." She said as she tilted her head with a smile, keeping her eyes' crossed together.

Sunset then spoke. "Zipp. Discord is the lord of chaos, he can do anything to reality, how do we know if he does something to the cameras?" She pointed out, seeing how Zipp is so determined to find Discord, even though they need to find him and get the Pegasus Crystal back to keep magic alive, even they have their limits.

"Which is why we need to keep close eyes on the monitors, Sunset. Not one bit." Zipp said, still watching the monitor so she might see a slight change so they can find a lead where Discord is.

"I'm more surprised that we connected the cameras all over the castle in Canterlot." Sunset pointed out in surprise that modern technology can connect to the old Canterlot Castle. "And you guys are lucky I led you around the place to put the cameras on every corner of the castle, even in the caverns Discord is in." She added that she led them around the castle to put the cameras in place to make sure every inch of the castle was being watched.

"And we thank you for that, Sunset." Zipp said, still hasn't took her eyes away from the monitor one bit.

"But still, Zipp, we've been at this for so long, we haven't caught our eyes a break one bit, and Sunny is already at her limit here." Sunset pointed out, while still rubbing Sunny's back to calm her down.

Sunny turned her head to where Pipp. I don't think my eyes even move anymore." She dramatically said with her eyes closed, too tired to even move her eyelids.

Pipp lifted one of Sunny's eyelids, which shows her tired eye. "You know, you have a real flair for the dramatic, Sunny." She said to Sunny.

"That's a lot coming from you, Miss-My-Livestream-Is-My-Life Princess." Sunset pointed out while giving Pipp a look that she calls Sunny drama queen when she's a drama queen herself when she complains on not doing any live streams for her Pippsqueaks and her populatority online.

Pipp realizes that Sunset is right. "Okay, good point, Sunset." She said sheepishly as she turned to Zipp, who was still looking at the screen while Izzy still got her eyes crossed. "But Zipp, you're about to be outshined because I have a new song to perform." She said with a smirk to her sister.

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