Issue 10:

81 4 6

With the Mane 6, sins Sunset, still in a cage that is dangling over the huge cliff where Discord trapped them with the ropes on each end on top of it as it hangs over the cliffs.

“Anypony have snacks left?” Izzy asked her friends. “If I don’t have sugar every hour, my mood gets wonky, and things are bad enough already.” She said, reminding them of their predicament.

“Don’t look down. And don’t move…” Hitch said to the others in a whisper tone as he curled himself, a little scared of them being hung over a cliff.

Sunny then brings out her Alicorn magic as she floated up before she bucked her hind hooves on the floor of their cage, which earned a thud as the cage shook a bit.

“I said don’t move-AHHH!” Hitch cried out in fright as he held onto the bars when Sunny shook the cage.

Pipp got her head hit by the bar from the shake of the cage as she turned to Sunny. “Okay, ouch.” She said as she rubbed her head.

Sunny landed as she tapped the cage’s floor with her hoof. “With enough momentum, I think I can crack through the bottom of the cage and get us out of here.” She said, thinking that with enough force to the floor, it might crack and a hole for them to be free.

Hitch starts to panic as he starts to sweat. “I almost fell to the bottom of these cliffs back on the bridge.” He said in a panic tone, reminding them of his near death experience from the bridge earlier. “I am not going to risk it happening again! I won’t. I can’t--” He ranted in panic.

Zipp then came to him as she yelled at his face. “Pull it together, Hitch! This seems like our one shot at escaping and getting to Discord.” She pointed out, snapping Hitch out of it as she continued. “Sunset is still out there. I’m sure she will get us out.” She added, since Sunset is not with them at the moment for some reason.

“Well, I don’t know where Sunset is, but in the meantime, let’s keep trying.” Sunny said, while Sunset is MIA right now, it’s up to them to think of something as Sunny places her hooves on the top of the cage again. “If only I could get a bit higher--” She said to herself as she flew up as she pushed on the top of the cage with all her strength as she strained in effort, but then her magic glitched out again as her Alicorn form disappeared. “Ughhh.” She groaned as she fell on her belly on the floor with a thud. “Ooof!” SHe cried out from the fall, which caused the cage to shake a bit as the others held on as the shake stopped while Sunny felt a bit dizzy from the impact.

The others gave Sunny a sympathetic look as Izzy bent down and tapped on the ground next to Sunny. “Oooh, I think that’s a small crack right there.” She said, before she realizes it’s not a crack. “Oh… no. Just some dust.” She sighs.

Sunny then breathed in sadness as she gave a sad expression as Izzy helped her up.

“But a few more tries and I know you can do it. And Sunset will save us.” Izzy said in an optimistic tone as she smiled at Sunny. “We’ll get Pipp to film the whole thing, too, so that when we get back home, you’ll be a Maretime Bay Sensation!” She cheered for Sunny.

Sunny’s expression didn't change as she looked at her hoof. “I don’t see that happening. My magic’s completely gone again, and we don’t know if Sunset is close by or far to help us…” She said in a sad tone as she looked off in the distance as her friends listened. “It wasn’t a great plan, anyway. Maybe Hitch and Sunset are right. Instead of trying to come up with another plan, we should just wait here for Discord to come back and let us out or wait for Sunset to set us free, if she gets here in time.” She said in a sad tone, feeling guilty of getting them into this mess without another plan and for not listening to Sunset or Hitch.

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