Issue 9:

27 3 0

Back at Fluttershy's old home, the Mane 6, except for Zipp who isn't there with them, are following Pipp as they stop at the front door.

"You need to be prepared for the worst." Pipp advises her friends, telling them to prepare for something once she opens the door.

The four ponies looked at Pipp as Sunny spoke up. "Discord's about to destroy a Unity Crystal, ridding Equestria of magic for the rest of eternity. I think our threshold for catastrophe is at an all-time high." She pointed out, not seeing what could be worse behind that door with their situation with Discord.

"She's right, Pipp." Sunset said in agreement. "With what Discord is doing nothing can be worse than that." She added, finding that true since nothing can be worse than this.

"You brought this on yourselves..." Pipp shrugged as she knocked on the door, which caused it to open up.

And what they saw inside was Zipp, who is looking really exhausted and tired with her Mane a mess and bed eyes with a crazed look, while having some yellow crime-tapes all around the cottage with some numbers on for the crime scenes.

"Hold up!" Zipp cried out when she turned and saw her friends, who were startled, except for Izzy, from her outburst. "This is an active scene. If you touch anything, you'll contaminate evidence and we'll never find Discord or save magic in Equestria." She said as she got close to her friends, who were a little creeped out from her condition. "Which means I'll never fly again, or achieve my 100-win flyball streak, or perform that air routine Mom asked me to do for the Royal Ball!" She added out while narrowing her eyes at them.

Pipp was not surprised, knowing how her sister was, as she raised a hoof and whispered to the little creeped out Sunny and Sunset. "Zipp stressing over Royal Duties? Okay, it is worse than I thought." She said, seeing how stressed Zipp is, then the last time she saw her.

"She gets more stressed out than Twilight when she's late for an assignment or overthinking things when she wants everything to be perfect." Sunset whispered in surprise, having seen this before from Twilight, sure she wasn't there for Princess Twilight but had been told from her and if her counterpart, Sci-Twi is the similar, she knows how Twilight can be at times when so worked up about something. "But we see what you mean, Pipp." She added, now seeing what Pipp ment for preparing for the worst.

"Told you." Pipp whispered before she gave a calming smile to Zipp as she placed a hoof on her chest. "We just popped in to... say a quick hello." She lied so that she could calm her sister down.

"Hi..." Sunny said with a nervous smile.

"Hey!" Izzy cheered with a wave of her hoof and a smile.

"Whazzup?" Hitch asked next with a nervous smile as well.

"How are you, Zipp?" Sunset asked with a nervous smile as well.

Zipp huffed as she rubbed her eyes while looking at her friends tirelessly. "I told you I'm fine." She said to her friends.

Pipp then starts patting her sister's head with a smile. "And obviously, we can see that. You look as peaceful as a Pegasus in a mud bath." She said, which made Zipp huff a bit.

"Or an orchid in a sun-soaked field." Izzy said with a nervous smile, playing along.

"Or bear surrounded by honey pots." Hitch added with a smile.

Sunny and Sunset however gave bored expressions as Sunny spoke. "...Or a pony who hasn't eaten or slept in several days and is on the brink of collapse." She said in a bored tone, knowing that's the truth.

"Or a pony who is overworking herself from seeing straight and has been losing her mind of not finding any answers she needed." Sunset spoke with the same tone Sunny said, agreeing with Sunny's words.

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